How to store carrots in a cellar in the winter?

Cultivation of carrots on your site is not associated with special difficulties with proper care. It is only necessary to water, loosen and thin out vegetable beds. The main difficulties are expected by truck farmers later, when it is time to harvest and then store it. There may be a lot of difficulties here, since carrots are probably one of the fastidious in storage crops.

The most popular method is the use of a cellar or a cellar where, due to a reduced temperature, the root crop retains its fresh appearance longer. At the same time, the temperature in the cellar is above zero, which means that freezing is not terrible. However, many people often complain that, despite such favorable conditions, carrots soon begin to deteriorate and disappear. To avoid such unpleasant moments with your crop, we suggest to learn how to store carrots correctly in the cellar.

How to store carrots in a cellar in the winter?

If you want the useful and delicious root vegetables to be stored until the spring without losses, we recommend that you prepare. This applies to both the cellar (cellar) and the vegetable. A month before the expected harvest, the room should be thoroughly ventilated and disinfected. For the latter procedure, a solution of hydrated lime (2 kg) with copper sulfate (300 g), mixed in 10 l of water, is suitable.

The carrots themselves must be able to collect correctly. The beds are not watered a few days before digging out the fruits. At the very procedure of extracting a vegetable from the ground it is important not to damage it. At the site of the cuts, the rotting process can begin, which then goes on to other root crops. It is also necessary to cut the tops of carrots level with the neck, then it will not sprout and, consequently, deteriorate.

How to store carrots is a way in the sand

Quite an interesting and effective method, how best to store carrots for the winter, is the use of sand. It reduces the evaporation of moisture from the vegetable and prevents the development of diseases that lead to decay.

For storage use a box of wooden laths. At its bottom, place the previously moistened sand with a layer of about 5-7 cm. This means that each bucket of substance is mixed with a liter of water. Then put carrots on the sand in such a way that the vegetables do not touch each other. After that, the roots are covered with sand, after which you can again lay out the carrots.

How to store carrots in the winter in the basement - polyethylene bags

Another method of storage, which has proven effective, involves the use of polyethylene bags with a capacity of up to 25-30 kg. Carrots are put in this container, but do not close. In the basement or cellar in the absence of high humidity, root crops can last for a long time without damage.

How to keep carrots in sawdust?

Sawdust in itself perfectly absorbs excess moisture and secrete special substances phytoncides that interfere with the active development of pathogens. That is why the question of whether it is possible to store carrots in sawdust, is not even worth it. Another thing, for this purpose you can use only sawdust of coniferous trees.

By the way, the root crops are laid in sawdust in the same way as in a box with sand - alternating layers and at a distance from each other.

The original way of storing carrots in the cellar

To ensure that the roots do not dry out, do not fade and do not deteriorate, you can try another interesting method of storing carrots. After cleaning the fruits from dirt and earth, they are dipped into a chattle made of clay and water, or into a solution of hydrated lime (1 kg is diluted in a bucket of water). Then the carrots are dried and put in a drawer or cellar compartment.