Do I need to give water while breastfeeding?

Parents are accustomed to rely on the experience of pediatricians observing the baby. But there is one controversial point in which the Aesculapius does not come to a common opinion - whether it is necessary to give water to the baby during breastfeeding.

It is known that in mom's milk contains a very large percentage of water. This should mean that for newborns with breastfeeding water will be superfluous, and the question whether it should be given - will disappear by itself. But there are some situations when dopaivanie is vital. Let's find out about them.

Dopaivanie water during breastfeeding

Due to the fact that all metabolic processes in babies occur much faster than in adults, in certain situations they can rapidly lose precious moisture. That's why in such cases the child needs additional fluid:

  1. Condition during illness with fever, when dehydration occurs very quickly. This applies to all children, but toddlers up to a year in particular.
  2. Summer heat, when the thermometer is off scale and there is no possibility to keep the baby in comfortable for it 20 ° C, is also an indication for dopaivaniyu. Humidity of air in the heat, as a rule, is quite low, and this means that the baby should receive an additional liquid.

To understand, whether water to the newborn is necessary at thoracal feeding is very simple, if to spend the test for wet diapers. Normally, for a day, there should be between 12 and 20. If there are fewer of them, this is definitely a testimony to getting a child to drink water.

How to properly drink a child?

It is important to give the baby a small portion, as his stomach is not yet able to hold much. For this purpose, a children's spoon is perfect, and then a drink with a silicone spout. Give the water follows between the feeds, so that the milk can be properly absorbed, and the stomach does not overstretch.

Water should be purchased a special nursery. But boil piped is not recommended, as well as watering the baby with filtered water (except for specialized children's filters).

Whether to give water at breast-feeding can solve each mum independently, proceeding from requirements of its kid. But nevertheless it is necessary to adhere to recommendations of doctors and till 4-6 monthly age to not take a great interest in dopaivaniem the baby without necessity.