Beef in cream sauce

It is very tasty to cook beef with cream sauce , the recipe for this dish is simple, but the result is excellent - it is suitable for both everyday menu and festive table. We choose fresh meat without pits from an old animal. Cream can be used any fat, the main thing that it was a natural dairy product (and not vegetable) without unpleasant chemical additives.

Beef in creamy mustard sauce



Meat (if washed, then necessarily dry the piece with a clean napkin) cut into thin, short strips across the fibers. On medium heat, we heat oil or fat in a frying pan (it should not be too little or too much). Lightly fry the meat, often turning the spatula, then reduce the fire and stew, closing the lid, periodically turning and pouring water to prevent burnt, for at least 40 minutes (well, more - to the desired softness). In the process of extinguishing add bay leaf, cloves and peppercorn.

When the meat, according to your understanding, is almost ready, we season the cream with ground black pepper, nutmeg and a small amount of mustard (however, this is to your taste). Pour this sauce into a pan with meat and simmer all together for another 3-8 minutes. Turn off the fire and season with chopped or chopped garlic.

We put on a serving plate next to the garnish (it can be almost anything). Saturate the sauce that has been formed in the frying pan while extinguishing. Sprinkle with chopped herbs. We serve beef in creamy sauce with table wine, best of all - pink.

To cook beef in creamy garlic sauce, we follow the foregoing recipe, we only reduce the amount of mustard and increase the amount of garlic to 3-5 denticles (in this case it is better to press it through the hand press).

Beef in creamy mushroom sauce


This dish is prepared somewhat differently. Sliced ​​meat is the same as in the first recipe, stew in a frying pan until cooked. Creamy mushroom sauce is better prepared separately.

Finely chop the peeled onion and save in a frying pan in oil, along with chopped mushrooms (gram 200-300). Stew for 15 minutes. Pour in the cream and brawn for another 5 minutes with the addition of spices. Season with garlic after turning off the fire, slightly cooling. You can bring a blender. We serve with meat and garnish.