Can I eat after a workout?

Every day more and more people become adherents of sports and HLS. At "beginners" in the course of aspiration to self-development and perfection there are questions, without answers to which they are confused.

When deciding to adhere to a healthy lifestyle , as a rule, a huge number of questions arise, especially those associated with proper nutrition. Following our recommendations, it is easy to understand when it is better to eat: before training or after, and also what elements the body needs.

The answer to the question whether it is possible to eat after the training will be affirmative - the most important thing is to find out what foods can and should be included in your diet.

Many people are wondering how many minutes after training you can eat. It is believed that you need to wait after class for at least twenty minutes.

What is better to eat after a workout to lose weight?

Proper nutrition is the key to a good figure. First and foremost, it is important to correct and make a diet in the right way.

As for whether there can be squirrels after training, the answer will depend on what goal the athlete has set. Nutrition after sports depends on the type of physical activity. If there is a task to increase the mass or strengthen the muscles, then within a couple of hours after exercise it is necessary to eat foods high in protein. Low-fat fish or meat, curd, chicken breast or protein cocktail. This principle of nutrition is called the rule of the metabolic window. It consists in the correct restoration of muscles. If you do not eat in time, there will not be a visible result even from stubborn training. This is due to the fact that muscle mass increases due to rest, nutrition and correct recovery after a load. The correct diet prepares the body for a new day, speeds up metabolism and improves metabolism.

If a person makes an emphasis on cardio training to get rid of unnecessary kilograms, the principles of nutrition will be different.

The main task will be the restoration of the "spare" carbohydrate - glycogen. If you do not make up for its reserves, then the metabolic processes will slow down, and the endurance will be much less. In 20 minutes after such training, you need to drink freshly squeezed fruit or vegetable juice, smoothies, water with carbohydrates or a milkshake. Products filled with quickly digestible carbohydrates, in this case, will be useful.

What should not you eat after exercise?

Remember that improper nutrition, even with regular intensive training, can spoil your figure and adversely affect the body's condition.

  1. Raw vegetables are a bad option for eating after exercise . They contain too few calories, so you can not regain strength and improve the metabolic rate. In addition, protein in raw vegetables is practically not contained.
  2. If you pursue the goal not to lose weight, but to build muscle mass, then the answer to the question whether it is possible to eat bananas after training, will be in the affirmative. Oranges, bananas, apples and other fruits, eaten after exercise, prevent the reduction of muscle mass. In addition, bananas restore their strength no worse than carbohydrate cocktails, while being a natural product.
  3. Products that contain a large amount of fat, do not suit. Appetite will calm down, but all the progress achieved during training will be destroyed. Fats slow the metabolism.