Allergies - Symptoms

Among the variety of aggressive factors, it can sometimes be difficult to determine what caused the inadequate response of the body. It is necessary to act by the method of exceptions and trials. But, perhaps, some of the symptoms will help in finding the "culprit" of the allergy.

Allergy to dust - symptoms

In household dust contains many particles of our dead skin, fibers of tissues and the worst enemy of allergies - the dust mite saprophyte. Just for him, or rather, the products of his life, the human body reacts the worst. By the way, in a gram of household dust contains about 300 of these microscopic creatures. The proteins and antigen contained in the chitinous membrane of the saprophytic mite can cause a very sharp reaction of the human body. But even if the dust mite does not affect a person, microparticles of dust, irritating the respiratory organs, cause allergy symptoms. The constant impact of such factors creates the likelihood of a very dangerous disease - bronchial asthma. In the case of an allergic reaction to household dust, the following symptoms usually occur:

Allergy to dust often manifests itself at night and in the morning, as well as when cleaning the room. If you observe a decrease in intensity or the disappearance of symptoms when you leave the house, you can be sure: you are allergic to household dust. The same signs are allergic to wool (symptoms of allergic rhinitis and conjunctivitis) and flower pollen.

Food allergies - symptoms

Often the use of certain products, even in the smallest amounts, causes an instant reaction of the body. Such an immune response is a food allergy. Although there are many cases where a food allergy manifests itself after several hours and even days after taking "dangerous" food. Often such a late manifestation of unpleasant symptoms is nothing more than the intolerance of certain substances - the body's inability to digest or assimilate certain foods or their components due to a lack or complete absence of the desired enzyme. To distinguish food allergy from intolerance is very simple. The more the amount of product used, which causes a negative reaction of the body, the stronger the symptoms - this is intolerance. For example, the main symptoms of allergy to lactose - strong disorders of the gastrointestinal tract function - will manifest themselves the more intensively, the more eaten the cereal products. The same situation is observed with allergies to gluten, the symptoms of which, at first glance, are very similar to the symptoms of intolerance to milk sugar. Food allergy manifests itself at the earliest age and can disappear at the stage of growing up. For example, an allergy to protein, the symptoms of which - - severe diarrhea and dermatitis, ceases to be a problem at an older age. But there are many cases where the allergic reaction to a particular product persists throughout life. So, the symptoms of food allergies are as follows:

Since food allergies cause swelling of the inner mucous membranes, with frequent manifestations, it can also cause asthma.

Allergy to medicines - symptoms

As a rule, drugs cause an allergic reaction only if they re-enter the body. Allergy to medicines is divided into three groups:

  1. Acute allergic reaction of the body to medicines, which occurs instantaneously or in the first hour after ingestion. It appears in the form of urticaria, Quincke's edema, anaphylactic shock, hemolytic anemia, asthma attack.
  2. A subacute allergic reaction occurs within the first 24 hours after the drug is received into the body. Is manifested by blood pathologies.
  3. A protracted allergic reaction occurs several days after taking the medication. In some cases this period may last up to 9 days. Among the manifestations of such an allergy - blood diseases, inflammation of the joints, lymph nodes, damage to internal organs.

Most often there is a drug allergy to antibiotics, the symptoms of which can be attributed to the first reaction group.

Allergies to mold - symptoms

According to the frequency of pathological manifestations, the allergy to mold is on the same level as the allergy to antibiotics. This insidious inhabitant of damp premises can become a factor that threatens the health and even life of a susceptible fungus of allergy sufferers. Manifestations of mold allergy:

Her, as well as an allergy to dust, it is easy to determine: being out of the house, an allergic person does not experience such acute symptoms.

Allergies to cosmetics - symptoms

Household chemicals and cosmetics often provoke allergic reactions. Its primary symptoms - skin manifestations - often have an extension in respiratory diseases and with constant contact contribute to the development of asthma. Determine the allergen in this case is even before using cosmetics or cleaning products. To do this, it is sufficient to apply a small amount of substance on the wrist and check if redness has appeared on the skin after 15 minutes. after application. Symptoms of an allergy to cosmetics are very similar to the symptoms of an allergy to chlorine, which is the basis of most cleaning products.