How do you know your guardian angel?

Otherworldly world was interested in different times of history. People who believe in God are sure that each person has his guardian angel, who is an intercessor before the Higher Powers. He covers from various problems, and also helps during life to cope with various tests. Interest in how to find out which guardian angel a person has always existed. It is important to note that there are even invisible defenders even among people who do not go to church . Every person has the opportunity to learn information about his keeper and even his name.

How do you know your guardian angel by birth date?

To establish contact with your invisible defender, you need to learn more about him. First, we determine the age of the angel, for which you just need to add 4 to your birth. For example, if a person was born on the 8th day, then he has a 12 year old defender. It is worth noting that the angel does not age.

Now we will understand how to know the gender and character of the guardian angel of man. To do this, simply add up all the digits of your date of birth. For example, if a person was born on 08.11.1989, you get 8 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 8 + 9 = 37 = 3 + 7 = 10 = 1 + 0 = 1. In the end, we got the number of the angel - 1. Since the unit is odd, it means that the angel is female, and if the value is even, then the male is male. It remains only to learn the characteristics of his defender.

How to find out what kind of guardian angel you have - interpretation of meanings:

1 - holy angel. Such a defender is the most active and reliable, who even without prayer comes to the rescue.

2 - the angel of light. Such assistants have large white wings and they kiss their wards at birth, which is manifested in the form of freckles or different birthmarks. You need to communicate with such angels through dreams or mirrors.

3 - the angel of the air. Invisible defenders manifest themselves in the form of unusual sounds that are similar to the rustle of foliage. To receive help, you need to constantly communicate with the angel.

4 - the angel of wisdom. The defender teaches his ward to be prudent, but also gives him good luck. An angel can control a person's thoughts through which he gives clues.

5 - the angel of metal. Such a strong defender has self-confident people. He comes to the rescue when his ward is crying. He gives a person a long life.

6 - the rainbow angel. The keeper gives people different talents, and also raises the mood at any time. Contact is established precisely during classes by creativity.

7 - the angel of energy. Such advocates should always be thanked for their help and praise. Tips such angels give in dreams.

8 - in this case, the defender is a deceased relative or close person. If you remember them, the angels will always help.

9 - angels of heat. Such defenders often reincarnate in animals. They give their wards a sense of inner harmony.

How do you know the name of your angel?

Each curator has a name that can be similar to a human, but this is absolutely not an option. An angel can bear the name "Peace" or "Sun" Arrange in a comfortable position and ask the angel to say his name. After this, try to relax as much as possible, getting rid of all thoughts, and the answer will come intuitively, that is, the first word that came to your mind and will be the right answer. If you can not make out anything, then ask the angel to give a clearer hint.

How many guardian angels do you have?

Each person has a defender, but those who lead a more righteous life. It is worth noting that angels can leave people. The maximum number of guardian angels is 9. There is some statistics according to which 15% of people on Earth have one angel. Most people, namely 65%, have three defenders. To the aid of two or four angels, only 10% of people can count. The same number of people has five or more assistants.