Speech defects

Often the cause of the appearance of speech defects in children is lisping and the incorrect pronunciation of words by adults when communicating with the child. It should be remembered that the baby first of all learns from you, and begins to talk exactly as the close people showed him. Most often, speech defects can be found in children aged 2 to 5 years, because just in this period they try to realize their thoughts in words.

Types of speech defects

  1. Dysphonia or aphonia - a violation of phonation, as a result of pathological changes in the vocal apparatus.
  2. Tahilalia - accelerated pace of speech.
  3. Bradiliya - slowed down speech.
  4. Stuttering - due to the convulsive state of the muscles of the speech apparatus, there is a violation of tempo, rhythm and fluency of speech.
  5. Dysplasia - with normal hearing and properly constructed speech, the child has phonetic defects.
  6. Rinolalia - as a result of anatomical disturbances of the speech apparatus, there arises a defect in the timbre of voice and sound.
  7. Dysarthria - due to the lack of work of nerves that connect the speech apparatus with the central nervous system, a pronounced violation of pronunciation occurs.
  8. Alalia - as a result of organic damage to the speech zones of the cerebral cortex, complete absence or underdevelopment of speech in the child is observed.
  9. Aphasia is a complete or partial loss of speech, which occurs as a result of local brain damage.

How to fix speech defects in a child?

It is very important to pay attention to this problem in a timely manner. To determine whether your child has any violations of the speech device can only speech therapist. Correction of speech defects in children is carried out strictly individually and, first of all, it is necessary to pay attention to elimination of the causes of occurrence of these violations. Parents and children need to have patience, because a successful result largely depends on perseverance and regularity of classes. If your child has an incorrect pronunciation of only one sound, the result will not be long in coming and you will manage several sessions with a speech therapist. But in the case when the speech defect is associated with deviations in the development of the child, it will take about six months.

Exercises for correcting speech defects in a child

We present to your attention several exercises that will help your child cope with the pronunciation of whistling sounds (c, s, q), hissing (w, w, x, s), and also the letters l and p: