Dolls puppets with their own hands

It's no secret that until a certain age children love to play with dolls. Becoming more mature, they forget about the pups and princesses, turning to other, more serious games. But there are dolls to play with which will not be at all not only children, but even adults. It's about puppet puppets, faithfully obeying every movement of the puppeteer's hand. About how to make a doll-puppet with their own hands and will be a speech in our master class.

To create a doll, we need:

Getting Started

  1. Any creative work begins with a sketch. Draw a sketch of the future doll.
  2. On paper, we draw a diagram of our full size puppet, dividing it into sectors.
  3. From plasticine we skid the blanks for the head and shoes of our doll.
  4. We glue our blanks with layers of paper or napkins and put it aside to dry.
  5. We cut out from the cardboard the details of the trunk.
  6. We paste cardboard parts with newsprint, giving volume and forming from them brusochki.
  7. We cut the head and shoe blanks into two parts, extract clay from them. In one part of the head we paste a string, and in the second - small ears from a paper clip.
  8. We glue the halves of the head, half of the shoes. We sew the palms of light fabric and strengthen them with a wire frame.
  9. We tighten the head of the doll with a light knitted fabric, first putting a layer of sintepon under it. Draw on the tissues of the eyes, nose and mouth.
  10. We connect the skeleton of our puppet with the help of a corsage tape, thread and glue.
  11. We attach the head to the body.
  12. To make the doll soft, wrap its trunk and limbs with a sintepon, fixing it with threads.
  13. We sew the body of the doll with a knitted cloth
  14. We attach the beard to the doll and the hair.
  15. We draw a diagram of the most important part of the puppet, with the help of which it will be controlled - vagi.
  16. In accordance with the scheme, we collect the vagina from the wooden slats, at the ends of which we screw the screws.
  17. We put on a puppet in a suit, which you can sew from the remains of different fabrics.
  18. We screw into the body of the doll the screws at those points where the control threads will be fixed.
  19. Our wonderful toy-puppet, created by our own hands, is ready!

With your own hands, you can make another unusual doll , used in Waldorf pedagogy.