How does miscarriage occur?

An abortion is the termination of pregnancy in the period up to 22 weeks or with a fetal weight less than 500 g, regardless of the presence or absence of signs of fetal life.

How does miscarriage occur?

Miscarriage is a premature exit of the fetus from the mother's body. There are two options for this process, which directly depend on the timing of pregnancy.

The first option is miscarriage according to the type of rejection. This type of miscarriage is observed in the first trimester of pregnancy as a result of an immune conflict between the mother and fetus. As a consequence, there is a violation of the functions of the future placenta and the development of antibodies to the cells of an "alien" organism. In this case, the chorion is destroyed, and the fruit egg is expelled from the uterine cavity. The process is accompanied by bleeding of varying degrees - more often this is a profuse bleeding.

The second variant of miscarriage occurs according to the type of birth, and is observed in the second and third trimester of pregnancy. The main role in this variant is played by the change in the tone of the uterus - a significant increase in the tone of the uterine muscles or the inadequacy of the uterine closure. In this case, there are fights, the opening of the cervix and the birth of the fetus.

How to understand that there was a miscarriage?

With miscarriages in the first trimester, pulling pains appear in the lower abdomen, smearing red-brown branches appear, bleeding may appear, sometimes urge to urinate and defecate. In this case, the fetus completely or partially exits the uterine cavity with blood clots.

At later periods, miscarriage proceeds according to the type of preterm labor with contractions and cramping pain, the release of amniotic fluid and the fetus with its membranes, in whole or in part.

What if I have a miscarriage?

If you notice the appearance of bloody branches in the early stages of pregnancy - immediately consult a doctor, as before the appearance of heavy bleeding there is a chance of maintaining a pregnancy. With heavy bleeding, hospitalization is necessary, since large blood loss, infection of blood and death for a woman are possible. To keep pregnancy in such cases, as a rule, it is not possible.

If a miscarriage occurs late, a visit to the doctor or hospitalization is also necessary, since the fetus can remain in the uterine cavity, the infection of which is a threat to the life and health of the mother.

What if I have a miscarriage at home?

With any miscarriage or suspected of it - immediately call a doctor or an ambulance! Try to clearly and distinctly tell the dispatcher your address, your symptoms and the timing of pregnancy.

Also, you should know what to do before the woman arrives, if a miscarriage occurs:

  1. Lay down on the bed, under the buttocks, put a folded blanket or pillow, this will help reduce bleeding.
  2. Cold (ice bubble, if it is not - any frozen foods wrapped in a towel, a hot-water bottle with as much cold water) on the bottom of the stomach.
  3. Remember your blood type and Rh factor (you may need a blood transfusion). It is better to write this information and put a note next to it.
  4. Do not throw out diapers, towels and blood-soaked materials - they are needed by the doctor to assess blood loss.
  5. Follow the general condition - measure blood pressure and pulse before the arrival of the doctor.
  6. If possible, prepare a set of tools for gynecological examination and curettage.

What happens after a miscarriage?

After a spontaneous miscarriage occurs, the fetal membranes, blood clots, and the remains of amniotic fluid remain in the birth canal and become infected and decomposed. The complete yield of all the shells is extremely rare, which requires diagnostic scraping of the remains from the uterine cavity and suturing the ruptures, if any.

Spontaneous miscarriages are a signal about the need for examination to prevent the termination of pregnancy in the future. It is necessary to find out the cause of miscarriage and eliminate it. In early pregnancy, miscarriages rarely threaten women's reproductive health and more often prevent the emergence of a child with chromosomal abnormalities of development, often incompatible with life.