How does ginger grow?

Ginger, despite the exotic, very unpretentious plant. And, not surprisingly, along with the love for its consumption has emerged, and interest in the topic of how ginger grows, and whether it is possible to grow it at home.

The answer is definitely possible if you live on the "south", in India, Asia or Australia. You can collect a decent harvest and establish its industrial supply.

If you live in more northern latitudes and the sun is not so much, but there are burning eyes and an uncontrollable desire, the answer is also positive. Only industrial cultivation does not work out, but to grow a couple of rootlets, wait for flowering and just get a lot of pleasure from the process - this is entirely within your power.


Reproduction and cultivation of ginger are inherently related to each other. The fact is that ginger reproduces vegetatively. Therefore, we buy in the store the youngest and most fresh-looking root, looking for if there are kidneys - the more they are, the better.

We cut the root into "pieces". Each "piece" should be on the kidney. If you did not manage to buy a fruit with kidneys, keep it in a warm and humid place for a couple of days - they will certainly appear.


We take a pot that is wide and not deep, you know how the root of ginger grows - aside, not deep. We plant in the ground with good drainage at a good distance from each other. Constantly watered and sprinkled, keep the pot in a warm place, but protected from direct sunlight.


Now about how much ginger grows. After 1-2 months you get the first green shoots. After 6-8 months, you can expect the root to mature. However, if something inside tells you that this is not so, put the pot in a dark place for the winter. Leaves and sprouts wither, but the root will survive. And with the arrival of heat, the plant will continue its growth, and you will collect the "harvest" as early as next year.

Year 2-3, if you do not extract the root from the ground, your ginger will bloom. Also during this time you can consume its leaves in a salad, but do not do it too often. Spine it is not too "like" and it will slow down with growth.

Happiness of the gardener

Of course, you will not get a handsome man, but you will be provided with a natural product for pickled ginger or for ginger tea. Yes, it's not that. Cultivation of the root of ginger is a ritual that is already healing in itself. Be loving and attentive to your plant, because ginger will return you your energy. First absorb, and then sate you with it, when you drink your ginger tea with biscuits.