Pregnancy 28 weeks - fetal movement

28th week of pregnancy is a significant stage of pregnancy, as it completes the 2nd trimester and marks the transition to the final stage of bearing a baby.

The length of the fetus at 28 weeks gestation is about 37 cm. The weight of the child is about 1 kg.

At the 28th week, the grooves of the brain begin to ripen. On the head grow hairs, lengthen and thicken eyebrows and eyelashes. Eyes begin to open, they no longer cover the pupillary membrane. Due to the increase in the volume of subcutaneous fat, the limbs of the baby begin to thicken.

Heart crumbs beats with a frequency of 150 bpm. Almost all the respiratory structures of the child's body are formed. If the baby is born prematurely in this period, then he has enough chances to survive.

Fetal activity at week 28

Since at this stage of development the child grows very rapidly, his movements begin to be limited by the size of the mother's womb. At the 28th week of pregnancy, the fetus does not change its position so often, but can contrive and turn upside down and vice versa.

But most often at the 28th week, the location of the fetus changes to the one in which it will appear.

Most children turn to the "head down" position, which is the most physiological and favorable for childbirth. But some children may still be in the wrong position (with their legs or buttocks down). In a few weeks, this situation may change to normal, although some babies may prefer to stay in this position until the birth.

That is, at 28 weeks they will occupy the so-called pelvic or transverse presentation of the fetus. However, if natural births are still possible with pelvic presentation, in the case of transverse obstetricians, a caesarean section will have to be used.