Severe headache during pregnancy - what to do?

Waiting for a baby can be overshadowed by a woman's ailments. For example, a severe headache during pregnancy often causes inconvenience to future mothers. In addition, women have a question how to help themselves in this situation, because in such a critical period I do not want to take medicine again.

Causes of severe headache during pregnancy

First you need to find out what can cause such a disturbance of well-being. In general, there can be many reasons for the appearance of painful sensations. They can appear as a consequence of a disease. In addition, women can have a migraine - a neurological disease caused by a violation of the vascular tone.

In connection with changes in the body of expectant mothers, the reasons for the malaise may be as follows:

Separately, it should be said about how the blood pressure can affect the woman's condition. Any changes in it can lead to malaise. So, a severe headache during pregnancy in the early stages is with hypotension, that is, a decrease in pressure. Usually, this condition accompanies toxicosis, which many pregnant women face. Increased pressure is called hypertension. Sometimes it indicates gestosis, that is, late toxicosis. It requires control by doctors. Hypertension, swelling, visual impairment and severe headache during pregnancy in the 3rd trimester may be a sign of preeclampsia. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.

Headache is a symptom of a number of serious illnesses. For example, so meningitis, glaucoma, even kidney disease signals itself.

Than to remove or take out a strong headache at pregnancy?

In some situations, a woman can help herself. Here are a few ways to help cope with painful sensations:

Do not underestimate the importance of nutrition for health. There are products that can provoke such ailments. The girl should revise her menu. Perhaps reduce the consumption of citrus, chocolate, bananas, smoked products, beans, canned and pickled dishes, nuts.

From medicines it is allowed to use Efferalgan and Panadol. You can not use "Aspirin" and "Analgin". But any drugs should be taken as prescribed by the doctor. He will explain to the woman what to do if a severe headache during pregnancy does not last long.

The future mum needs to know, in what cases it is better not to hesitate with the reference to the doctor:

Since the pain can talk about the diseases, it is better to be safe and pass the examination. After all, the state of mum's health depends on the course of pregnancy and the development of crumbs. The doctor will prescribe the examination and, if necessary, tell you which specialists should be contacted.