How fast to grow eyebrows?

Thin, carefully plucked strings above the eyes - it's fashionable, but only on old photos of past years. Today, the trend is natural. Eyebrows are no exception. Beautiful, thick, medium thickness - this is what modern stylists see. But how to restore naturalness, if it is lost, is damaged by tweezers or a razor? There are two ways out of the situation: time and action. If the months of waiting are not your option, we will tell you how to grow eyebrows quickly, with a little effort, and get a wonderful frame for the eyes in a few days.

How to grow thick eyebrows?

When caring for the eyebrows, it is important to consider that these are the same hair, only in miniature. Frequent plucking damages bulbs, makes each new hair thinner, and eventually stops growing altogether.

Proceeding from this, the first advice: forget about the forceps, if not forever, then at least a few months. Another no less important point: before you improve your eyebrows, you need to make sure that their condition does not deteriorate. Long-term effects of make-up make the eyebrows dry, brittle and dull. Hence - the second tip: do not forget to take off the make-up from your eyebrows before going to bed. Further, nursing will play a role. Here's how to grow beautiful eyebrows:

  1. Daily combing , which can be done with a clean brush from the mascara. Such massage improves blood circulation, accelerates the growth of eyebrows, stimulates hair bulbs, supplying them with oxygen.
  2. Treatment of eyebrows after make-up with conditioner for hair will help to avoid the harmful influence of external factors, enveloping eyebrows with protective film of rinse aid.
  3. The use of masks to strengthen and grow hair. It can be as ready cosmetic preparations, and home remedies: burdock, olive, castor, peach, almond oil, mustard.

How to grow eyebrows in a week?

Observing all the rules for eyebrow care, after 7-8 days you will see the result of your efforts. On a place of rare and thin hairs begin to grow new dense. The only problem is: if the bulb was previously destroyed, the hair will not grow there. The more such problem areas, the less likely to get thick eyebrows at home.

We will have to resort to the help of professional cosmetologists. They own some tools and capabilities that can increase the number and length of hairs on the eyebrows. Brilliant results are achieved with the help of hair extensions and transplantation. These methods are often resorted to, fighting the consequences of tattooing, when natural eyebrows are plucked completely.

Proper makeup or dyeing of eyebrows will also help to quickly create exactly the shape and volume for the eyebrows, which is relevant in these days. A small secret for those who do not know how to "grow" plucked eyebrows: light miniature strokes in a pencil of the same shade as the eyebrow, repeating the direction of hair growth. If everything is done correctly, there are few who will notice that the eyebrows are "drawn".

How to grow a wide eyebrow?

It is known that wide brows - an indispensable attribute of such a fashionable nowadays naturalness. If genetics allows you to brag of these eyebrows, you are lucky. Well, if the eyebrow is narrow by nature, or you are puzzled by how to grow eyebrows after tattooing , you can apply a few small female tricks:

Under the line of eyebrows, inconspicuous at first glance, light hairs. If you dye their dark color, the eyebrow will become wider. Some brave souls try to even trim these "invisibles". In their place, later, hairs of dark color and greater thickness may grow. But we would not recommend such a procedure. It is not known how the new hairs will behave. They can grow in the wrong direction, noticeably differ in structure from those already available.

Another option for fast growing of thick and wide eyebrows is regular lubrication of the skin with peach or burdock oil. Oils need to be rubbed 2 times a day also in those places where the hairs do not grow, but are very desirable. Accelerates the growth of hair remedy for glaucoma "Lanotan". These are eye drops. They can be rubbed into the eyebrows and the skin around them, avoiding liquid penetration to the places of its primary use.