The chest hurts a week before the monthly

In most cases, pain in the mammary glands is observed in women with a change in the hormonal background, which constantly occurs during the menstrual cycle. Therefore, the question of why the chest hurts a week before the month, interested in many of the fairer sex.

What are the causes of bouts in the mammary glands before menstruation?

According to statistics, about 8 women out of 10 notice the appearance of chest pains shortly before menstruation. Sometimes they are so weak that some girls can not pay attention to it. However, in some cases, everything can be exactly the opposite, - the girl is worried about discomfort, chest pain, which cause a lot of inconvenience.

So, in most cases, the chest is very sore about a week before the month. This phenomenon is considered the norm, and is explained by the following processes in the mammary gland and the body of a woman as a whole.

  1. Immediately before the monthly there is an increase in the volume of epithelial tissue. In this case, the breast itself slightly swells, becomes denser to the touch, sometimes painful when touched, the tissue around the nipples and they themselves become more coarse.
  2. Preparing the body for lactation can also cause the girl to have a chest pain a week before the menstrual period. So the body is preparing for the onset of a possible pregnancy.
  3. Violation of the balance between the level of progesterone and estrogens in the blood can also lead to the appearance of painful sensations in the chest at this time.
  4. Breaking the work of the ovaries often provokes the appearance of pain in the chest.
  5. Also, it is impossible to exclude gynecological pathology, which sometimes causes soreness in the mammary glands.

How to distinguish the pain in the chest, associated with the monthly from the pathology?

If the girl has a chest pain, and the month should be in a week, then most likely these two phenomena are interrelated. However, in any case it is necessary to consult a doctor about this.

It should be remembered that almost always the appearance of pain in the chest before the monthly is also accompanied by painful sensations in the lower abdomen.

If, on the contrary, the chest has stopped hurting about a week before the month, it is necessary to exclude gynecological diseases, for example mastopathy.