Foods rich in potassium

Potassium is an essential mineral that takes part in the activity of the cardiovascular system. If this substance is deficient, the chance of an infarction increases. To avoid health problems, it is recommended to include foods rich in potassium in the diet. Since the assortment is large enough, you can certainly find in it your favorite food.

Based on statistics, a large percentage of the world's population lacks potassium . In turn, this increases the percentage of problems with the cardiovascular system.

What foods are rich in potassium?

There are a lot of products, which include this element, among them are:

  1. Tomato paste . It is best to prepare it yourself, or when choosing, pay attention to the composition, there should not be salt. In addition, this product includes a lot of antioxidants, which protect cells from damage.
  2. The beet plant . This product is undeservedly thrown into the trash can, since it includes not only potassium, but also lutein, which is important for the eyes. Add the crushed tops to the salads.
  3. Dried apricots . This product contains not only a large amount of potassium, but also vitamin A and fiber. It is important to pay attention to the color when choosing dried apricots, it is best to give preference to dark brown varieties.
  4. Avocado . This fruit is deservedly included in the list of foods rich in potassium. In addition, it includes other substances that are useful for the heart.
  5. Soybeans . The composition of whole grains includes a large number of useful substances, including potassium. When choosing especially pay attention to the quality of beans.
  6. Dates . This product helps not only meet the body's need for potassium, but also in sugar
  7. Potatoes . This root vegetable contains a lot of potassium. Only the main thing is to properly prepare the potatoes and best in the peel.
  8. Apples . Favorably affect the state of blood vessels and heart. It is recommended to use this fruit to people who are engaged in mental work, because it contains substances that promote blood formation. Apples need to be eaten with a peel, since there is an acid in it that cleans the vessels of toxins.

Of course, this is not the whole list of products rich in potassium. Be sure to use greens, for example, parsley and spinach, as it contains not only a lot of potassium, but also other nutrients. In addition, it is recommended to include in your menu mushrooms and bananas, and in the summer, do not forget about watermelons and melons. Even in the season of berries and fruits, special attention should be paid to blackberries, grapes and black currants, since they also contain a large amount of potassium.

Table of products rich in potassium

Products rich in sodium and potassium

These elements are very important for the body, and they seem to complement each other. That's just the attitude to the use of potassium and sodium is different. Products that contain the first of them must be constantly present in your diet . While the number of products with sodium should be limited, they include beets, seaweed carrots, etc.

Helpful Tips

Freshly squeezed juices from the above mentioned vegetables and fruits, it is not only very tasty, but also useful, since you will supply the body with a lot of potassium. You can also mix several products that have potassium and get a perfect "cocktail" with the necessary daily dose of this element.

In order to keep the maximum amount of potassium in the products, it is best to prepare them for steaming or, at the most, to boil in a small amount of liquid.