Endoscopic face lifting

Endoscopic lifting is a new word in cosmetology. Professionals call it the face-lift of the last generation, since this method allows you to make a lift without incisions or opening the tissues, but only with the help of punctures. Endoscopic lifting does not leave a trace, that is, even the most attentive girlfriend will not be able to convict you that you have restored your natural beauty with the help of physicians. Due to this property the method began to enjoy great popularity among women.

Endoscopic lifting is done for a separate area of ​​the face, for example, forehead or eyebrows. Indications for lifting at different sites of the skin are different, so we'll try to understand them.

Endoscopic forehead lift

Indications for surgery on the frontal zone are many, among them subjective - a deep wrinkles or age changes. That is, a woman resorts to endoscopic lifting of eyebrows solely because she does not want to reconcile herself with her natural skin changes. But there are more weighty reasons that torment women:

  1. The omission of soft tissues on the temporomandibular area of ​​the face, which causes folds on the upper eyelids. Such a change in the skin promises quite uncomfortable sensations, besides it can affect the eyesight, since the folds weight the eyelids and press on the eyeballs.
  2. Formation of a "hood". Near the outer corner of the eye, the outer part of the eyebrows is lowered, which causes the skin in this region to form something similar to the hood. This is not only not attractive, but it can also negatively affect the eyesight.

But the indications for a forehead lifting are very similar with the recommendations for carrying out such an operation on the eyebrows.

Endoscopic eyebrow lifting

Many of the listed reasons that relate to age-related changes in a person refer to indications for surgery. But also there are other reasons for carrying out endoscopic lifting of the middle zone, that is, the eyebrows and forehead, namely:

  1. A sad tired look, caused by micromorchini and slightly saggy skin.
  2. "Goose paws" , accompanied by an overhanging eyebrows.
  3. Reducing the distance between the eyebrows and upper eyelids, which are also caused by changes in soft tissues.

Many of these indications can be revealed by a woman herself, but even so, before deciding to surgery, it is necessary to consult an experienced specialist who can objectively assess the presence or absence of indications for endoscopic lifting.