Cake "Ryzhik" - the most delicious, new and classic recipes of your favorite treat

Cake "Ryzhik" - one of the most popular pastry products of the Soviet era. Many housewives still prefer a delicacy consisting of the most delicate honey cakes, impregnated with air cream, to all other home baking types, referring to the simplicity of cooking, the financial availability of components and the variety of fillings.

How to cook a cake "Ryzhik"?

The most delicious cake "Ryzhik" is prepared simply: sugar, honey, soda and oil are heated in a water bath and combined with egg mixture and flour. From the dough cakes are formed, which are baked at 180 degrees, lubricated with cream and collected in a cake. Depending on the cream, the finished cake is soaked in the fridge for 2 to 12 hours.

  1. The best recipe for the cake "Ryzhik" has in its composition only quality products. So, it is undesirable to take margarine instead of butter.
  2. Due to the content of honey, the biscuits at the baking quickly darken, so you need to carefully monitor their preparation.
  3. Trim the edges of the cakes either before baking, or immediately after getting out of the oven, while they are warm.

Cake "Ryzhik" - a classic recipe of Soviet times

The classic cake "Ryzhik" differs from other varieties of delicacies with cream. Sour cream and cream with condensed milk has clearly balanced proportions and each component adds its own flavor. Oil makes the cream fatter and does not allow it to spread, sour cream gives juiciness and pleasant sourness, and condensed milk - a moderate sweetness.



  1. Whisk the eggs with 120 grams of sugar.
  2. The remaining is rubbed with 100 g of oil, honey and soda and warm up.
  3. Enter the egg mixture, flour and roll 10 cakes.
  4. Bake at 180 degrees.
  5. From 400 g of butter, condensed milk and sour cream whip cream.
  6. Cake classic "Red" cool 12 hours.

Red cake with honey - recipe

Many housewives prepare honey cake "Red", adding a natural sweetener not only in the dough, but also in the cream. Thanks to this, the product acquires a honey flavor and aroma, and the cream itself is an attractive color. To avoid syrupy and excessive sweetness, honey is combined with sour cream or cream, in this case the cream turns out to be lighter and more tender.



  1. Eggs beat with 200 grams of sugar.
  2. Add 60 g of honey, butter, soda and warm.
  3. Put in the flour and roll the cakes.
  4. Bake cakes at 200 degrees.
  5. For cream, whip the sour cream, honey, cream with sugar.
  6. Cool honey cake "Red" 8 hours.

Cake "Ryzhik" with sour cream - recipe

Cake "Red" with sour cream will please fans of light and delicate desserts. A cream consisting only of sour cream and sugar has a lot of advantages: it is juicier, easier to work, more affordable, does not contain oil, and because it does not freeze so quickly in the refrigerator and allows the cakes to soak up, thereby approximating the tasting time.



  1. Mix eggs, 250 grams of sugar, honey, soda, butter and heat.
  2. Put in the flour and roll 10 cakes.
  3. Bake at 190 degrees.
  4. Lubricate the cakes with sour cream.
  5. Cool the cake "Ryzhik" for 4 hours.

Red cake with condensed milk - recipe

Those wishing to change the sweetness of the traditional cream, can prepare a cake "Red" with boiled condensed milk. It, unlike the usual, softer taste, has a caramel color and a thick consistency, giving the cream the ability to keep the shape and not spread. For a recipe, you can use either a purchased product or a jar cooked at home.



  1. Whisk the eggs with sugar.
  2. Mix honey with 100 g of butter and soda and cook.
  3. Add the egg mixture, flour and knead the dough.
  4. Roll out 6 cakes and bake at 170 degrees for 5 minutes.
  5. Sprinkle with cream from boiled condensed milk and 200 g of oil.

Chocolate "Red" - cake

Cake "Red" - a recipe that gives great opportunities for culinary experiments. A few spoons of cocoa in the dough will complement the baking with a delicate chocolate aroma that perfectly matches with the light sweetness of honey cakes and chocolate icing. The latter, gives the product a festive, appetizing look and enhances the taste of chocolate.



  1. Whisk 250 grams of sugar with 3 eggs.
  2. Cook the honey, soda and margarine for 20 minutes. Connect with the egg mixture.
  3. Pour 450 g of flour and cocoa.
  4. Roll out 12 cakes and bake at 180 degrees.
  5. For the cream, heat 300 g of sugar, milk, egg, 100 g of flour, add butter and lubricate the cakes.
  6. Pour the cake "Ryzhik" with chocolate.

Cake "Ryzhik" with two creams

Cake "Red" with a custard is one of the popular varieties of delicacies. It's all about simple ingredients and creamy taste, perfectly combined with the honey sweetness of the cake. This cream is good in itself, and as a basis for spicy options. With the addition of boiled condensed milk and liquor, the mass will have a caramel color and a subtle flavor.



  1. Whip 2 eggs with 100 grams of sugar, honey, 100 ml of milk, butter and soda.
  2. Warm the mass for 10 minutes, pour 350 g of flour and knead.
  3. Cream for the cake "Ryzhik" is brewed from 1.5 liters of milk and beaten eggs with sugar and flour.
  4. Add condensed milk and liqueur to the custard and grease the cakes.

Red cake with fruit

Preparation of the cake "Ryzhik" at home will turn into a creative process, if you decorate the delicacy with berries and fruits. With a wide variety of the latest products each time can change the appearance and taste. For this dessert it is better to use sour cream, it has a light, delicate texture that perfectly matches with strawberries and peaches.



  1. Mix honey, butter and 200 g of sugar.
  2. Add eggs, flour and knead the dough.
  3. Bake at 180 degrees with 8 cakes.
  4. Lubricate with sour cream.
  5. Decorate with berries and peaches.

Cake "Ryzhik" in a frying pan

Cake "Ryzhik" - a simple recipe due to which each mistress can cook pastries in 30 minutes. The secret is simple: the cakes are baked in a frying pan , which saves time and helps out in the absence of an oven. All that is needed: knead the dough, thinly roll out, bake cakes on a dry surface, for a minute on each side, and soak with any cream.



  1. Oil, honey and soda bring to a boil.
  2. Add the egg, 80 g of sugar and flour.
  3. Roll 5 cakes and bake them in a frying pan.
  4. Lubricate with a cream of 200 grams of sugar and cream.

Cake "Ryzhik" in the multivark

Cake "Ryzhik" with condensed milk in a multivarquet will please busy housewives with a simple cooking recipe, during which you should mix all the ingredients of the test, pour the mass into the bowl and set the "Baking" mode to 90 minutes. Cut the lush cake into 4 segments, each with a butter-thickened cream, collect, and insist in the cold for 2 hours.



  1. From eggs, sugar, flour, honey and soda mix the dough.
  2. Cook for 90 minutes.
  3. Cut the cake into 4 parts.
  4. Lubricate with condensed milk and butter.