How much after the birth can I go in for sports?

The question of how much after birth you can pull up your figure and go in for sports, is interested in many young mothers. Let's try to figure this out and consider the basics of physical recovery of the body after the birth of the baby.

When can I start to play sports after childbirth?

Western specialists on the postpartum recovery of women argue that almost a week after the birth of the baby, mother can start gymnastic exercises. They perform them at a slow pace, just as the sutra exercises normally.

However, as to when it is possible to start sports after delivery, doctors usually call the period of 4-5 months - this is the time it takes to recover. But this does not mean at all that, at a given time, a woman can start classes, without fail it is necessary to consult a doctor beforehand.

What should be taken into account when practicing sports after the birth of a child?

The main rule in restoring the physical form after giving birth is gradualness. For starters, as professionals say, the body needs to be "awakened" because the body is in a weakened, depressed state.

It is recommended to begin with an increase in motor activity. It turns out, for many young mothers, even this is difficult to do, tk. many experience psychological discomfort, depression. Therefore, for starters, it will be enough that the young mother will begin classes with ordinary walking - outdoor walks are especially useful.

What sports are allowed after delivery?

Having dealt with when you can start sports after giving birth, let's talk about which of its species are preferred for women who have recently become mums.

First of all, it is necessary to pay attention to swimming. This species will not only strengthen the ligament apparatus, but also increase the overall tone of the muscle fibers of virtually all muscle groups. Also, physical exercises performed in the water, reduce the burden on the spine, which is important for women after childbirth.

Gymnastics is also a great way to pull up a figure. The complex of such exercises, as a rule, includes slopes, stretch marks, exercises for the muscles of the chest, pelvic rotation, walking on socks and heels.

The increasing distribution among young mothers receives such a direction as Pilates . This kind of exercises are aimed at relaxing, relaxing and evenly dosing physical stress on the female body.

What kinds of sports are banned after childbirth?

Doctors do not recommend running in postnatal recovery. This sport is very energy-intensive. In addition, it is established that it can adversely affect the quality of breast milk.

Also, it is contraindicated exercises on power simulators, in particular exercises for the press. The thing is that the excess load on the abdominal muscles can negatively affect the condition of the newly restored reproductive system. As a result of such physical exercises, in some cases, uterine bleeding can develop.

Also, doctors do not recommend to engage in extreme sports, even though before the onset of pregnancy this was the woman's favorite occupation.

Considering all the above, it is necessary to remind once again that it is possible to say exactly when it is possible to begin sports after birth, only a doctor after a woman's examination. Therefore, without fail, before you start physical exercises, be sure to visit a doctor.