Gymnastics after childbirth for weight loss

Almost every mother, having given birth to a baby and having had a rest from this heavy and responsible process, comes to the mirror and sees that her figure is far from the one she had before her pregnancy. But you want to still be slim and fit. And all this is real, if you find for yourself a favorite 15-20 minutes every day. To restore the figure after childbirth a special gymnastics has been developed, the exercises of which will help the young mother to regain her former form.

Physical exercises for weight loss after childbirth

You can do gymnastics in the postpartum period if the woman has had no complications during childbirth and the doctor does not forbid her to do it. In achieving the set goal to return a good figure, you should remember that the effect will depend on the regularity of performing a complex of restorative gymnastics after childbirth.

When can I start gymnastics after childbirth ? Perform the first simple exercises can be in the first day. It should be recalled that exercise does not only provide an aesthetic effect, but also trains the cardiovascular, respiratory system, prevents the progression of varicose veins of the lower extremities. At the beginning of training, the load should be minimal, and then the motor mode is recommended to expand and add burdens (the dumbbells can be made from a plastic bottle filled with sand or water). Effective breathing exercises after childbirth, exercises with expanders and gymnastics sticks. It is also recommended to perform exercises after childbirth with the baby, which will add stress to the young mother and will be useful for the baby.

How to recover after giving birth - description of exercises

Here are some examples of performing a series of exercises for various parts of the body that will help the young mother regain her former shape.

  1. Gymnastics for the back and abdomen after childbirth. Initially, you should face the wall, with the legs spread out and slightly bent at the knees. Keep hands and forearms in the wall, with your elbows pointing down. Cut right elbow with the left knee while straining the press, while the palms do not tear off the wall, but the feet from the floor. If the exercise is performed correctly, the woman feels a strain on the press and back. It is important to breathe properly.
  2. Gymnastics Kegel after childbirth can strengthen the muscles of the small pelvis and the vagina, as well as prevent the omission of the uterus. To do this, strain and relax the muscles of the perineum for 30 seconds, and then rest for the same amount of time. Should be done 3-4 approaches. Gymnastics for the vagina is recommended not only after childbirth, but also throughout life for women to strengthen the genitals and prevent stagnant phenomena.
  3. Exercises for the breast after childbirth is important to use after feeding. To do this, you need to compare both hands and periodically compress them for 10 seconds, then compress them again after the break.
  4. Exercises for the press after childbirth should be performed three times a day and there are quite a few of them. So, in the initial position lying on the back with knees bent at the knees, you should lift the body with rapid movements, while quickly exhaling on the rise, hands should be held behind the head or crossed on the chest. The second most effective exercise is lifting the lower limbs from the prone position, while exhaling on the ascent.

Thus, if you select for yourself a favorite 20-30 minutes a day, you can return at least a figure that you had before pregnancy. To perform a set of exercises you need to have a positive attitude, comfortable clothes and a well-ventilated room with a temperature of no higher than 20-22 ° C. For easier perception and motivation, you can use post-partum gymnastics designed by Cindy Crawford or any other stellar mummy that will serve you are a good incentive.