Anesthesia with caesarean section - general, spinal, epidural

Anesthesia in Caesarean section is carried out in several ways, the choice of which depends on the doctors' decision. The very method of such delivery exists for a long time. Its implementation is not without anesthesia. Let's consider all possible methods, we list their features, contra-indications and complications.

Which anesthesia is better for caesarean section?

Doctors do not give an unambiguous answer. The choice of method is entirely due to the woman's condition, time, the presence of aggravating factors. Deciding which anesthesia to choose for cesarean section, doctors tend to be regional. With this manipulation, there is a violation of the process of transferring the pulse along the nerve fibers slightly above the place where the substance is introduced. The patient is conscious that it facilitates the process of manipulation, excludes the need to withdraw from anesthesia, reduces complications. This is a plus for the mother, which almost immediately establishes contact with the baby, hears his crying.

Types of anesthesia in cesarean section

Answering the question of women about what anesthesia is done in cesarean section, doctors call the following possible types:

The first anesthesia with caesarean section is used in exceptional situations, when there are contraindications to the regional. It is resorted to in the presence of specific obstetric cases, among which the transverse location of the fetus, prolapse of the umbilical cord. In addition, the pregnancy itself is often associated with such conditions, when the process of intubation of the trachea is complicated, - staging a tube for anesthesia. With this manipulation, there is a possibility that the contents of the stomach get into the bronchi, which causes respiratory failure, pneumonia.

How is caesarean section done with epidural anesthesia?

Such a technique is common and effective. It is the introduction of a drug into the area of ​​the localization of the spinal cord. Begin the manipulation for half an hour before the scheduled time of the delivery. Directly such an interval is necessary for the medication to act. The injection site is treated with an antiseptic solution and the injection site is marked.

With this type of anesthesia with caesarean section at the level of the loin, a special, sterile needle, the doctor pierces the skin. Then, gradually deepening, reach the space above the spine, in which the nerve roots are located. After that, a special tube is inserted into the needle - a catheter, which will serve as a conduit for medicines. The needle is removed, leaving the tube, which is lengthened, - attach a longer length, bring it to the shoulder girdle, where it is fixed. The agent is administered gradually, if necessary, the dosage is increased. Easy access to the catheter is ensured.

The very procedure for using the medication is performed in a standing position or in a position on the side. Manipulation is practically painless. Some women may note slight discomfort, which is characterized as a feeling of compression in the lower back. When the medicine is administered directly, the patient does not feel anything. The procedure is highly effective.

As a result, the sensitivity is completely turned off, but the mother-in-waiting's consciousness is not turned off - she hears her newborn, his first cry. Telling about how long the cesarean section lasts with epidural anesthesia, doctors note that depending on the dosage, the sensitivity removal is fixed for 80-120 minutes. This time is quite enough for the operation.

Contraindications to epidural anesthesia in cesarean section

This method has positive qualities, but there are also contraindications. It is prohibited when:

Talking about the dangerous epidural anesthesia in cesarean section, doctors note that such manipulation requires experience, clarity. Damage of blood vessels, nerve endings causes irreversible consequences. Given these facts, manipulation is carried out exclusively at large clinics, where there is a qualified staff, special. equipment.

Consequences of epidural anesthesia in cesarean section

In view of the fact that in the operation with this type of anesthesia, large dosages of the drug are necessary, side effects are often noted. Among them is worth noting:

These phenomena pass independently, after 3-5 hours. They are related to the effect on the body of the medications used for the procedure. Complications after epidural anesthesia with caesarean section are rarely recorded. They include:

How is spinal anesthesia performed at caesarean section?

With this type of blockade of nerve impulses, the drug is injected directly into the fluid that surrounds the spinal cord. After injection, the needle is removed. A woman is offered to sit on a couch or an operating table in such a way that her hands rest on her knees, and her back is maximally curved. The injection site is treated with an antiseptic, inject after which the subcutaneous tissue loses its sensitivity and the procedure becomes less painful. A long and thin needle is punctured. It is injected directly into the cerebrospinal fluid. After removing the needle, apply a sterile bandage.

Women who are undergoing surgery are often interested in the question of how long a cesarean section is with spinal anesthesia. The duration of the process of such delivery is due to the professionalism of the doctors, the absence of complications during the procedure. On average, this manipulation takes 2 hours from the time of application of the drug and injection into the lumbar region. The dosage of the anesthetic is calculated to the maximum.

Contraindications to spinal anesthesia in cesarean section

Caesarean section with spinal anesthesia is not performed when:

Consequences of spinal anesthesia in cesarean section

This type of sensitization has some consequences. Often the following complications develop after spinal anesthesia with caesarean section:

General anesthesia for caesarean section

Such anesthesia with caesarean section is the oldest version of it. In modern obstetrics is used rarely. This fact is due to the lack of control over the status of the mother, as she sinks into a deep sleep, does not feel anything. It is used in the absence of necessary equipment and specialists. Carried out by intravenous infusion of the drug. The duration of its action depends on the type of medicine, its dosage and is 10-70 minutes.

If you are interested in a doctor, what anesthesia is best for a caesarean section, the pregnant woman often hears about positive regional features. In this case, the doctors themselves indicate that not all maternity hospitals are practicing it. Large, modern, private clinics use this technique always. So it is possible to reduce the risks and consequences of general anesthesia, the effect of drugs on the fetus is excluded.

Local anesthesia for caesarean section

Telling about what anesthesia for cesarean section is used, it is worth noting and local anesthesia. They resort to it, when it is necessary to reduce sensitivity, to remove soreness when puncturing and injecting medication into the spinal area. A small dosage of the drug is used. Intradermal injection is made. After that, the woman practically does not feel the needle's entrance.