Postpartum depression - how to bring back the joy of life?

With a phenomenon such as postpartum depression , every fifth new mother comes across. Developed a violation due to changes in the work of the hormonal system, the restructuring of the body. Consider this state in more detail, establish the exact causes, manifestations, find out how to get out of postpartum depression as soon as possible.

Postpartum Depression - Causes

According to static observations, depression after childbirth develops in 15-20% of all puerperas. At the same time, it does not appear immediately. The phenomenon is associated with the gradual restructuring of the organism. So the level of progesterone in the blood of the mother begins to slowly decline. At the same time, prolactin concentration increases. Immediately, this hormone stimulates the beginning of the lactation process - the synthesis of milk by the mammary glands.

In addition to the above hormonal changes in the body, provoking factors for the development of postpartum depression can be:

How is postpartum depression manifested?

At the initial stages of development, the violation often does not make itself felt. In addition, many mothers write off his first signs of fatigue after childbirth, the adaptation of the body to new conditions and responsibilities. Because of this, the disorder is diagnosed when the mother starts to break down on others, constantly expresses her discontent. Postpartum depression develops, the symptoms of which are as follows:

It is worth noting that it is not always possible for a woman to record all of the listed signs characteristic of such a violation as postpartum depression. However, even the presence of several - the reason for going to the doctor. Lack of proper therapy, help from relatives and friends, can exacerbate the situation, which will require treatment in the hospital, medical supervision.

When does postpartum depression begin?

Having determined what is postpartum depression, the signs of this disorder, it must be said that it often develops after some time after the appearance of the child. In connection with the termination of pregnancy, progesterone begins to be synthesized in a smaller volume. At the same time, the concentration of endorphins decreases - the substances responsible for feeling joy, heightened mood. All this affects the work of the nervous system.

As for the time when postpartum depression develops, doctors do not name a specific period. According to observations and static data, most mothers face it 3-6 weeks after the birth of the baby. In this case, the symptoms grow gradually. Because of this, when referring to a doctor, many patients find it difficult to remember the day when the first signs of depression appeared.

How long is postpartum depression?

Tired of the constant lack of mood, feelings of depression, moms are often interested in doctors about how long the depression lasts after giving birth. Doctors do not give a specific answer to this question. This is due to the fact that each organism is individual. The flow of the disturbance also has its own peculiarities. In the absence of necessary therapy, a depressive condition can last up to 3-4 months and acquire a chronic course. The situation is aggravated by the fact that after seeing some improvement, temporary nature, my mother turns to the doctor.

How to cope with postpartum depression?

Many mothers have heard about such a phenomenon as postpartum depression, how to deal with it - they do not know. Because of this, a long absence of therapy worsens the condition and can cause serious disorders in the work of the nervous system, mental disorders. To prevent this, you must:

How to cope with postpartum depression yourself?

Many mothers develop depression after childbirth, how to cope with it - not everyone knows. It is difficult to do it alone. Mom needs constant support of a loved one, family and friends, girlfriends. It is proved that increasing the communication with acquaintances and friends, doing favorite things, hobbies positively affect the emotional state. Talking about how to get rid of postpartum depression, doctors call the following rules that must be observed:

  1. Distribute responsibilities. A young mother should not take it upon herself. It is necessary to establish new rules, rationally planning the daily routine. If possible, some of the cases must be entrusted to the husband, grandparent or grandfather.
  2. Observe the regime of the day. Mom should determine for himself the time, which will be intended for rest and sleep.
  3. Make a diet. Mom needs rich vitamins and nutritional components. Those women who are breastfeeding, should constantly monitor the diet, drink more liquid (tea, milk) so as not to reduce lactation .
  4. Communicate with friends, relatives, with whom they maintained contact before giving birth. Among the daily affairs and cares for caring for the baby, you need to find time to talk with your beloved friend, share her experiences and emotions with her.

Antidepressants in postpartum depression

If there is a strong violation, when it is not possible to cope independently with excitement, fear and emotions, the mother should consult a doctor for help. Postpartum depression, treatment of which is carried out individually, sometimes requires the appointment of medications. Doctors use antidepressants , among them:

It is necessary to take into account the fact that part of the active substance of medicines enters the breast milk. Because of this, when breastfeeding, do not self-medicate, use drugs without prescription. The medicine should be taken only in the dosage indicated by the doctor. Compliance with the frequency and duration of reception positively affects the effectiveness of the therapy.

Prolonged postpartum depression

If a woman does not notice improvement within 3 months, is constantly in a depressed state, this means that postpartum depression has dragged on. Such cases are not uncommon, since most mothers do not consider it necessary to seek help from a doctor. Every day there is a worsening of the situation: constant failures, cries, tearfulness are reflected not only on the state of the baby, but also can become a threat to the family. The way out of this situation may be the appointment of proper therapy.

How to avoid postpartum depression?

Prevention of postpartum depression is an effective way to combat such a violation. This process includes: