Constipation in newborns with artificial feeding - treatment

It is not always possible for a woman to feed her baby with breast milk, and there are many good reasons for this. But since the mixture is absorbed by the body with great difficulty, parents often face a variety of gastrointestinal disorders. One of them is constipation in newborns with artificial feeding, in need of urgent treatment. Consider how to proceed in such cases.

How to adjust the work of the intestines in a newborn?

The newly born baby is very vulnerable to external influences. Therefore, if it is not possible to establish lactation, the issue of feeding the child must be treated very responsibly. Parents are very concerned about the question of how to choose the right mixture for a newborn with constipation. Experts advise the following:

  1. When buying baby food, pay attention to its composition. If your child has an irregular chair, it is best to choose products that do not contain palm oil. It is very difficult for a child's organism to digest this substance. Therefore, thinking about what mix to choose for a newborn with constipation, stop at such brands as Agusha, NAN, Malyutka, Nanny, Similak.
  2. If the problem is still not solved, it is worthwhile to look at nutrition containing lactulose or probiotics. Usually pediatricians, reacting to the excitement of parents about what mixture does not cause constipation in newborns, recommend Frisolak Gold, Nestogen Prebio, Nutrilac Premium, Grandma's bag, Agusha Gold and others, which contain probiotics. The best mixtures containing lactulose are HUMANA and Semper.
  3. In the case when the newborn has a constipation from the mixture, and you do not know what to do, you can be prescribed a sour-milk mixture that allows you to colonize the intestines with useful bifidobacteria. These are the fermented milk of NAN, Nutrilon, Nutrilak, Agusha.

In any case, a physician should be engaged in the treatment of constipation in a newborn with artificial feeding. It is he who will help to choose the food most suitable for a specific child.