Hormonal pills for weight loss

Very often, women who are overweight are accused of inaction and what to say to those who, treading on their throats, say not to all their favorite but harmful products. How to name those who exhaust themselves in the gym from morning till night and not part with excess weight? Yes, and, in the end, how to console the selfless people who do much more for weight loss than everyone else, but they do not lose weight at all? The cause may be a violation of the hormonal background.

When all the hormones work stably, the person is at his normal weight, but if one of the hormones fails, either weight gain or a sharp loss is observed. Knowing this, many women choose weight loss with the help of hormonal drugs. Whether this is safe, and what is the effectiveness of taking hormone tablets for weight loss, we will consider in this material.

Types of hormone pills for weight loss

Sex hormones - thanks to them we have our beloved men roundness. But it is the sex hormones that can stimulate the deposition of the mass for future use, for bearing future offspring. In order to reduce their activity, many women resort to hormonal contraceptives that inhibit the production of hormones by the ovaries. For example: novinet, logest.

Hormones of the thyroid gland are responsible for the metabolic rate. If they are synthesized in insufficient quantities, then there is lethargy, drowsiness, metabolism slows down. When the body can not cope with processing even the smallest portion of food, it chooses the easiest way out: postpone for later, in the form of subcutaneous fat. Names of hormonal tablets for weight loss with hormones of thyroid gland: iodotyrox, newital, thyroidin.

Hormones of growth - due to their activation in their teens, growing children can eat three times more than normal and do not get better at all. As they say "went to growth". However, it is extremely dangerous for adults to take drugs with growth hormones, since acromegaly can develop.

As you can see, weight loss with the help of hormones is feasible, but extremely undesirable. The use of such drugs for weight loss is permissible only after analysis for hormones, in case the analysis shows an underestimation of the production of the hormone that caused obesity. The same applies to any other hormonal diet pills, such as "Jess" tablets. All these tablets contain a certain amount of hormones , and therefore can contribute to the emergence of dangerous disruption of life.