Meltwater is good

Meltwater is pure water with a minimum content of various impurities. Meltwater and its benefits to the body were known in the old days. Then the process of obtaining it was simple - snow or ice was brought from the street and allowed to melt.

Benefits and harm of melt water

The use of melt water has been known since ancient times, it can only harm if there is a violation of cooking technology and use to freeze contaminated water. Modern research has shown that people who constantly use thawed water, for example, high-mountain people, have much less health problems than others.

Water is an invariable element of all metabolic processes occurring in the human body. The purer the water and the more orderly structure, the more qualitatively all these processes proceed.

The frozen water acquires a crystalline structure. After melting, it retains this feature - there remain in it special hydrogen bonds between the molecules. This is the reason for the use of melt water for the body.

Meltwater has a significant effect on the energy level of a living organism. It gives vivacity and energy, increases efficiency and productivity, increases brain activity. Some people, thanks to melt water, reduce the need for rest - 4 hours of sleep are enough for normal life.

Proved and the benefits of melt water for weight loss . Weight loss is observed even if you take 150 ml of melt water in the morning on an empty stomach. A much more noticeable result will be if you drink 150 ml of melted water 2-3 times a day. Weight loss in this case is due to the normalization of metabolism .

Melt water also benefits if it is used as an inhalation. Especially shown are such procedures for children with weakened immunity. Inhalation of melt water normalizes breathing, reduces the likelihood of acute respiratory infections during epidemics. If the child is already sick, melt water inhalations will promote faster recovery. In addition, after use in the treatment of thawed water, there are fewer complications and the transition of the disease to a chronic stage.

Useful melt water and with skin diseases - chronic eczema, psoriasis, neurodermatitis, etc. Already on 3-5 days melt water, used externally, relieves swelling and inflammation, reduces itching and heals wounds.

Getting melt water at home

Melt water is easy to prepare at home. However, you should take into account the fact that it retains its useful qualities for 6-7 hours, and then it becomes clean, but ordinary in terms of water properties. Therefore, it is desirable to thaw the ice just before use, but also to hasten the melting process is impossible - heating also destroys all the benefits of thawed water.

To prepare melt water, take a pot or a plastic jar with a volume of 1.5 liters. Pour cold water into it, not getting to the brim. Put a container of water in the frost or in the freezer, under the bottom sheet of cardboard. After 1.5 hours, remove the container with water, remove and discard the formed crust of ice, and put the pot of water on the frost again. The very first ice is "heavy" water, the hydrogen in the molecule of which is replaced by the deuterium isotope.

After about 10-12 hours, approximately 750 ml of water should remain in the container; it contains all the pollution (salt, metals, chlorine, etc.) that were in the water initially. The resulting piece of ice should be left to thaw at room temperature. When the ice turns into water, drink it in pure form 3 times a day for 1 hour before eating. Completely switch to melt water doctors do not recommend - enough 500 ml per day.