How to apply bird droppings as fertilizer?

As is known in the diligent master, everything goes into action. And if the chickens cheerfully cackle in the house, it was simply a crime not to use their phosphorus and nitrogen-rich excrement as a very effective and absolutely free fertilizing for plants. How to apply bird droppings as a fertilizer will tell this article.

Bird droppings as fertilizer - pluses

Details on how to apply the bird droppings as a fertilizer we'll talk a little later, but for now let us dwell on why it is worth doing:

  1. Accessibility and cheapness. Feeding on the basis of this raw material produces poultry farms, it can be bought from neighbors in the suburban area or collected in its own henhouse.
  2. The right balance of nutrients. According to the amount of phosphorus, nitrogen and microelements, the products of the life of poultry are not inferior to ready mineral complexes, significantly benefiting from them at a cost.
  3. Easy to use. Prepare a fertilizer based on bird dung is not difficult, you just need to adhere to the recommended proportions.

Processing of bird droppings in fertilizer

With all the advantages of chicken waste there is a huge minus - this is a very concentrated remedy, turning when improperly prepared into weapons of mass destruction for the root system. Therefore it is absolutely wrong to use freshly picked raw materials that have not been composted for at least two to three months. Processing of bird droppings in fertilizer is as follows:

  1. On the floor of the house are installed pallets for collecting raw materials, filled with sawdust or peat.
  2. A place for the compost pile is organized in the shaded corner of the site.
  3. Litter is stacked on the heap, kitchen organic waste (shell, cleaning, coffee and tea), slanting greens.
  4. The compost heap is periodically moistened and mixed.

How to use bird droppings as fertilizer?

Minerals and microelements are especially important for plants in periods of active vegetation, i.e. the last spring and first summer months. How to apply bird droppings as a fertilizer in this period? Strawberries , potatoes, peppers and tomatoes are usually watered with infusion from litter (1.5 liters of water per liter of fresh raw materials), diluted to the color of weak tea brewing. Compost is added to the planting pit when planting flowers, fruit and ornamental shrubs, mixing with soil and peat.