Combating cabbage pests with folk remedies

One of the most important vegetables on our table is cabbage. Without it, it is impossible to imagine the favorite dish - a fragrant borsch. Those who own at least a small cottage often prefer to grow cabbage with their own hands to be completely confident in the safety of the vegetable. Despite the undemanding nature of the crop, it is not uncommon for farmers to complain that a normal harvest can not be obtained in the end. Quite often the reason for their failure is banal - pests. With them, of course, you can fight, the more arsenal of chemicals is wide. But the main question - how to do it so as not to harm your health in the end, your own and are close? After all, pesticides readily accumulate on the treated plants. But there is a way out - apply some home methods. So, it's about how to destroy pests on cabbage folk remedies.

Remedies for slugs and snails

Snails and slugs are considered to be the most dangerous pests of cabbage. Gluttonously eating its leaves and the underground part, these organisms cause the plant irreparable harm, as a result of which the vegetable dies. As to how to protect cabbage from pests with folk remedies, then there are many options. Like many other insects, snails do not tolerate wood ash and the smell of spices. Therefore, once seeing the characteristic holes on the leaves of the vegetable, immediately sprinkle the bed with a mixture of 1 kg of wood ash with mustard , table salt and black pepper taken 2 tablespoons.

Experienced truck farmers recommend using traps. Before the night time of the day near the beds you can dig into the ground a container filled with sweetened water, mixed with beer or yeast. In the morning, usually a considerable amount of pests are found in the vessel, which must be destroyed.

Means from cabbage aphids

Small light green insects attack the inside of the leaves with cabbage, which makes them fold. If you do not take any measures, soon in the beds you will be waiting for the dead plants.

There are several options for what folk remedies can be used to treat cabbages from dangerous pests. A solution of laundry soap provides real help with the first signs of infection. In 10 liters of water you need to dissolve 300 g of soap or soap, this spray is sprayed with beds. To treat the vegetable, you can also use an infusion of tomato tops, onion husks or a garlic arrow, mixing 1 kg of herbs 10 liters of water.

Means from caterpillars cabbage

Green wreckers can almost completely destroy plants, intensively eating the tops of cabbage. In this case, help will be infusion of 1 tablespoon tar soap and 400 g of wood ash, filled with a bucket of water. The mixture is used after a day of insisting. Of the folk remedies against cabbage pests, it is advisable to sprinkle leaves of the vegetable with powder obtained by mixing in equal parts of flour and edible salt.

Remedies for cruciferous fleas

To attack under such an interesting name is easy to recognize. Eating leaves of the crop, the flea leaves small holes. Combating these malicious pests of cabbage by folk remedies involves treating plants with substances such as tobacco dust or wood ash. With these two components, you can pollinate the bush with their mixture.

Also, observant gardening farmers noticed that the flea can not tolerate sharp smells. Therefore, from the arsenal, how to deal with pests of cabbage folk remedies, feasible help will watering the beds with water with the addition of water to 20 drops of fir oil. The same solution is also used for spraying the aerial part of the cabbage.