Tea Tree Essential Oil

Tea tree (melaleuka) is a kind of evergreen trees and shrubs from the family of myrtle, growing mainly in Australia and Malaysia. Essential oil is made from leaves and shoots of a tea tree by a method of distillation with water vapor.

Composition and properties of tea tree essential oil

The natural essential oil of tea tree is a colorless or light yellow liquid with a spicy smell resembling camphor and eucalyptus. It includes monoterpenes (40-50%), diterpenes (up to 40%) and cineole (3-15%).

Properties of tea tree oil:

Essential oil of tea tree finds application in medicine and cosmetology as a means for external use. It is added to many cosmetic and pharmaceutical products: gels, creams, lotions, shampoos, sprays, emulsions, toothpastes, etc. Pure oil, which can be purchased at pharmacies and stores, can be effective and almost universal in the home medicine cabinet. Inside the essential oil of tea tree is not recommended.

Tea Tree Oil in Dentistry

This agent can have a positive effect on the microflora of the oral cavity. Having a wide spectrum of action against microorganisms and fungi, it is used for various inflammatory and purulent diseases of the teeth and oral cavity - gingivitis, periodontitis, toothache, etc.

To rinse the mouth, you need to mix 4-7 drops of oil with a third of a teaspoon of salt or baking soda and add the resulting mixture to a glass of warm water. You can apply the application to the affected area with a gauze soaked in a mixture of 10 ml of any vegetable oil and 5-7 drops of tea tree oil.

Tea tree oil for skin diseases and injuries

Tea tree oil is used to treat burns, photodermatitis, bruises, cuts, skin infections (herpes, chicken pox, eczema), fungal skin and nail damage, with insect bites. It quickly eliminates itching, puffiness, redness, disinfects and promotes early healing of wounds. It can be used in a pure form, applying to affected areas.

This remedy can be used for daily care of oily and problem skin, with acne. It is recommended to rinse the cleansed face with warm water, which is added with tea tree oil at the rate of 10-12 drops per 100 ml of water. Effective also cleaning steam baths for the face. To do this, add 2-3 drops of oil in a saucepan with 1 liter of hot water, cover your head with a towel; the duration of the procedure is 5-10 minutes.

Tea tree oil in ARI

Tea tree oil will help to quickly cope with viral or bacterial respiratory diseases, increase the defenses of the body and help prevent the spread of infection. For deodorization and disinfection of the room where the patient is, several times a day, evaporation of the oil in the aroma lamp (3-5 drops per 2 tablespoons of water) is necessary. This oil has expectorant effect, helps to remove mucus. To do this, it is necessary to carry out steam inhalations - for 1 liter of hot water - 3-5 drops of oil; calmly inhale the fragrance for 5-7 minutes.

Tea tree oil in gynecology

This remedy is used as an additional remedy for thrush, cystitis, colpitis, vaginitis and other infectious and inflammatory diseases of the genitourinary system. It is used for syringing (usually at night): add 5 teaspoons of soda to 5 drops of oil and dilute in a glass of warm water. For intimate rinsing you can prepare a solution of 5-6 drops of oil per liter of water.

Tea tree oil as an antidepressant

This remedy has a positive effect on the psyche - soothes, relieves tension, helps concentration of attention. In a stressful situation, it is enough to inhale the aroma of oil directly from the bottle or by applying a few drops on the handkerchief. You can use the aroma lamp at home.

Essential oil of tea tree - contraindications

This drug is contraindicated for pregnant women and children under 6 years. Avoid contact with oil and its vapors in the eyes (close with inhalation). Before using for skin and mucous membranes, it is recommended to conduct a test for the tolerance of tea tree oil. To do this, 1 drop of essential oil diluted in a teaspoon of vegetable oil and applied to the inner surface of the wrist. If the redness or itching does not appear within 12 hours, the oil can be used without fear.