How to lay a baby?

Sometimes young parents already a few days after the appearance of the baby in the house face a common problem - the child flatly refuses to sleep. If two or three nights to withstand his weeping and to wear in his arms is still quite possible, then later the fatigue begins to fall off his feet even during the day. Everyone suffers: an exhausted baby, and not enough parents, and even neighbors in the apartment behind the wall.

Why does not the babe sleep?

When a child is difficult to put him to bed, parents need to look for the cause. Children's sleep can be disturbed because of the banal physical discomfort. For example, the baby has a stomachache (annoy colic), but maybe it's hot or vice versa cold. In this case everything is solved extremely simply. In rare cases, the baby can be tormented by intracranial pressure, causing headache. There is already no qualified help can not do. Paradoxically, the more a baby has not slept, the harder it is for him to fall asleep. The baby's nervous system is still in the ripening stage, so such incidents do occur.

In any case, difficulties with sleeping are better discussed with the pediatrician, and possibly with a neurologist. Making sure that the baby's health is okay, you can try out a few simple but very effective ways that will help put the baby to bed without much difficulty.

Ways of putting the baby

The most popular method, how to lay the baby's bed, is to breastfeed it immediately before bed. This is convenient if the parents practice a joint dream, which is actively promoted by modern pediatricians. Usually, when shifting to a separate crib, the baby wakes up as soon as it ceases to feel the closeness of the mother, and joint sleep this problem brings to naught. But do not forget that your father is in the house, and his mother needs him no less than a baby. In the end, it is a personal matter for a single family to sleep properly: it is easy to sleep all night all three of us, to give our dad our own bed-place or several times a night to rush to a baby crib to feed the child.

Do you have enough strength to rock the baby in your arms? Perfectly! Kid warms my mother's body, her smell helps me to go to sleep. You can use a sling, a cradle or a fitball. Communicate to motion sickness and father, because the child is growing, and the physical capabilities of the mother are limited. Please note that you need to rock to a deep sleep, because one minute of "podoukachivaniya" will lead to the fact that you have to start all over again.

The most rational way, showing good results when it is impossible to put the child to sleep, is a sequence of actions / rituals. Day after day, the baby should get used to the fact that the bathing is followed by feeding, and for feeding - sleep. But how to maintain a clear sequence, if the modern rhythm of life does not always provide for a certain schedule of the day for the parents? In addition, the sequence will give a result not at once, but you want to sleep every night ...

Another method, how to put a child to sleep without breast, is "warning ignoring", but it is suitable only for mothers with iron nerves. Put the baby, who already shows the first signs of fatigue (whimpers, rubs his eyes and yawns), into the crib, but stay close. Do not look into his eyes, otherwise he will immediately ask to be in your arms. Rock the cradle, sing to him a song, tell a fairy tale - in general, do so that he does not burst into tears. If it did not work out, and avoid hysteria failed, hold your hands for a few minutes, calm down, and put it back in the crib. And so on until the child falls asleep.

Over time, parents develop their own way of putting the child to bed: some kids love to be stroked on the back or spout, others peacefully fall asleep under the sound of a buzzing hair dryer, some calm down and close their eyes, seeing the mother's face in front of him, someone suddenly falls asleep, on the stomach.

The baby does not really feel the difference between day and night, so if you do not know how to put the baby to sleep during the day, use the tips given above. Sweet Dreams!