A child of 6 months is a development that should be able to?

Each month brings a newborn baby an increasing number of new knowledge and skills. The crumb becomes much more active, and all the people around him and objects arouse a keen interest in him. In addition, each child seeks to gain independence and perform many actions without seeking help from adults.

One of the most important dates for a baby is the day when he turns 6 months old. So what could the kid learn during the first half of his life? In this article, we will tell you how to evaluate the development of a child in 6 months, and what it should be able to do if it develops correctly.

What should a baby be able to do in 6 months?

To begin with, it is worth noting that each newborn baby is individual, so you do not need to require your son or daughter to develop certain skills at one or another age. Usually, the child can not do something in 6 months and lags behind his peers, there is nothing to worry about. Probably very soon he will catch up.

Nevertheless, there are certain rates of development of the baby in 6 months, which allow you to assess whether everything is good with the baby and, if necessary, a little watch over it. So, the six-month-old baby is normally able to turn over from the back to the abdomen and from the abdomen to the back. This skill is very important for the full development of crumbs, because now he can at any time to change the position of his body in space, without resorting to the help of adults.

Contrary to popular belief, the habit of self-sitting babies can acquire much later. At the same time, this is exactly what you can teach a child in 6 months. If your spine's spine is already fully formed and strong enough, you can start planting it with support on a roller or other suitable object, but only after consulting with the pediatrician.

Also, you can stimulate crawling your baby, having a bright and interesting subject at a sufficient distance from it. At first the crumb will simply pull up his body on his hands, and gradually begin to move around and stand on all fours. All this is a huge breakthrough in the development of the child in 6-7 months.

What else can the baby do in 6 months?

But what can a child do in 6 months from an emotional and psychological point of view? Six-month-old babies have incredibly rich facial expressions. As a rule, they begin to repeat many movements for their parents and other close adults.

Seeing my mother, the little one instantly spreads into a smile and begins to stretch out her arms to her. If the toddler meets a stranger for himself, he is in most cases frightened, briefly freezes, carefully examines the person who entered and only after that begins to make contact.

Finally, the active speech of the infant undergoes significant changes. As a rule, a six-month-old baby already "talks" with the help of babbling - syllables consisting of vowels and consonant sounds.