How to calm down before the exam?

The question of how to calm down before the exam or performance , at different times, worries each of us. Few people are able to endure such stress easily. The main thing is to use the right methods and give up mistakes, so as not to provoke aggravation of the situation.

Does the valerian help calm down?

The most terrible thing you can do is take any sedative. The fact is that they are all aimed at slowing down the emotional reaction, which means that you can easily enter into a state of light stupor and during an important event never get out of it. When you are asked a question, you will need too much time to find the right answer in your relaxed consciousness.

In order to find the right knowledge in your head, you need a bright mind, undisturbed by drugs. Excitement mobilizes the strength of the body and allows you to be much more effective. Some students in this state manage to remember even what they did not know!

How to calm down before the exam?

You can give different advice on how to calm down , but the most effective is always the good old method - to do business. Use the time to repeat the material, write out the formulations or what was given to you the most difficult. The better you sleep, the more comfortable and peaceful you will feel. Perhaps you need some relaxing music to calm down and fall asleep. In addition, you can use an aroma lamp or aromatic sticks.

In order not to be afraid of the exam, you can imagine the worst case: imagine. That you can draw a bad ticket and not pass. However, after that, you will not die, you will go out, sleep off and soon go to a retake, before that you finish schooling what you did not have time to learn for the first time. The realization that there is nothing wrong with "not surrendering" will help you overcome stress and take a different look at the situation that frightens you so much.