Why dream of hair cutting?

With the process of hair cutting involves a lot of superstitions and takes. Dreams with a similar plot are often a warning of changes that may be associated with certain deprivations. Whether they are positive or not depends on the details of the dream. More precise information can be obtained by interpreting a particular story.

Why dream of hair cutting?

Such a dream often portends betrayal on the part of a loved one. Even these night visions can foreshadow a quarrel, because of which you will forever break off relations with a friend. If you are sheared against your will, it means that soon you will lose a loved one or someone will try to spoil your reputation . A dream in which you cut your hair to a friend is a symbol of the fact that in real life you will transcend this person, which can cause a number of troubles. To dream of a haircut that you did as a hairdresser, then soon you will expect changes in life. When you self-cut your hair in a dream, then in real life you expect serious losses that can be related, both with the soul and the material side.

The interpretation of the dreams in which the hair was cut depends on the place where it was done. If you get a haircut in a hair salon - this is a warning about disappointments and losses. Also at this time you can hear unreasonable criticism in your direction. The salon in which you cut off a small amount of hair was expensive, so in the future you can get rid of unnecessary things that interfere with normal living. If in a dream you are cut too short - this is a warning about financial Problems that arise solely because of your extravagance.

Sleep, in which the haircut ended in shaving you is a symbol of great material problems that can result in poverty. In one of the dream books there is information that a dream like this can portend treason. For a woman, the dream in which she shears her friend is a clue that she does not need to be trusted. If, on the contrary, a girlfriend is cutting a dreamer, then she should wait for a friend to stand up.

Cutting hair in a dream, during which the scissors broke, is interpreted in one dream book as the risk of losing important things because of its strange and quick temper . If you cut your hair with two scissors - this is a good sign, which says that due to their ambitions you can make your dreams come true.