How to clean the toilet from dirt and blockage quickly and efficiently?

Any type of pollution should be removed in a timely manner, the main thing in the question is how to clean the toilet bowl - in time to pick up the detergent and clean up the unpleasant deposits at the initial stage. In addition to professional cleaning products, there are many national recipes that can provide an excellent result in this business.

How to clean the toilet?

It is much easier to find the right tool than to wash the toilet off the yellow plaque, if you know the origins of the problem. The main reason for the constant contamination of the plumbing fixture is a constant leakage of water. A thin trickle of liquid brings with it metal oxides and calcareous substances that settle down and within a couple of years can reach a centimeter layer. The second reason is an old, rough toilet bowl, on smooth porcelain or faience, the dirt is delayed several times slower.

The main types of deposits on the toilet:

  1. Lime scale - this precipitate forms mineral salts and silicon, which are present in different concentrations in any liquid.
  2. Urinary stone - the cause of these dark brown deposits are the mineral substances that are contained in urine. To cope with the task of how to clean a toilet from an old urinary stone is the most difficult, it has a great strength and resistance to washing reagents.
  3. Rusty stains - often appear in homes with old metal pipelines.

Than to wash rust in a toilet bowl?

Solve the problem of how to wash the toilet bowl inside, where the water from old rust can be checked by factory detergents. Acids, alkalis or abrasive powder preparations are suitable for this purpose. Depending on the cost of the substance they work with different speed and efficiency. Acid or alkali can simply be poured into water, wait a few minutes and rinse with water, all the mud dissolves and goes to the sewer. With powders it is tiring to work, it is required to thoroughly clean the ceramics with the selected rust remover , they are able to scratch the surface.

Examples of cleaning products against rust:

  1. Abrasive means - "Pemolux", Sarma, "Comet".
  2. Alkaline preparations - Domestos, "Every day" (cleansing gel).
  3. Acids - orthophosphoric acid (100 g of 85% solution per 0.5 l of water), Cillit, "Dressing duckling".

How to clean the toilet from limescale?

Thinking about how to clean the toilet from lime deposits, you need to pay attention to acid cleaning reagents. A strong substance is a car battery electrolyte consisting of a solution of sulfuric acid and distilled water. Industrial 33% sulfuric acid has powerful detergent properties, and is suitable for this case. Work with these drugs should be very carefully, they give off dangerous for the body pairs.

The problem, rather than wash the plaque in the toilet, is solved with the help of acids as follows: we pump the water from the device, distribute the reagent over the toilet surface, stand for 20 minutes (several hours can be done depending on the degree of contamination). Then rinse the surface with water and repeat the process if necessary. While cleaning the toilet, we must protect vital organs with a respirator, glasses, gloves.

How to clean the toilet bowl from urinary stone?

The solution to the problem of how to clean the toilet bowl inside of the urinary stone can be done with the help of whiteness. Pump the liquid out of the device, pour a bottle of working solution inside and leave it overnight. If necessary, the next night, we repeat the work to achieve an acceptable result. To wash the toilet from the urinary stone can oxalic acid, electrolyte, drugs Cillit, "Toilet duck" and other universal cleaning products.

How to wash the black in the toilet?

It is always easier to take preventive measures, rather than expect heavy pollution or to test at home potent acids and reagents. In solving the problem, how to properly clean the toilet from mud deposits of any origin, help deodorizing tablets for tanks and drain holes. They remove rust and other dirt from the walls and parts of the mechanism, have a whitening effect, kill microorganisms, prevent the formation of urinary and calcareous stone.

Examples of tablets for cleaning the toilet:

How to clean the blockage in the toilet?

You need to know not only how to clean the toilet from scale, but also be able to remove a strong clog , which prevents the normal discharge of water into the sewer. Pipeline can be hammered for various reasons, often this problem leads to a negligent attitude of the users themselves or children's pranks, when a large amount of paper or household rubbish gets inside.

How to clean the toilet from clogging:

  1. Simple choking removes a bucket of boiling water, quickly poured into the sink, to create a strong head.
  2. Pour into the toilet bowl the floor of a packet of baking soda, after a while drain the dirt with water and clean the surface with a brush.
  3. The use of household chemicals - "Mole" or its analogs.
  4. Use a plunger with a bowl up to 10 cm in diameter.
  5. In the absence of a plunger, use a cut plastic bottle or a "doll-tolikushku" made of reels wound around a stick.
  6. In severe cases, when all of the above methods, how to clean the toilet bowl, do not help, call plumbing, or we independently apply a flexible cable.

How to clean the toilet bowl?

Mineral salts can be deposited inside the tank, fixed to the walls, damage the mechanism. There are different models of plumbing fixtures, it is advisable first to familiarize yourself with the device layout, which is always supplied by the passport. In the task of cleaning the toilet tank, much depends on its design. Often, its lid is firmly screwed to the drain mechanism. It is necessary to block the water and unscrew the reservoir, remove the float and other elements, treat the parts and walls of the drain tank with detergents.

Means for cleaning the tank and the mechanism:

We clean the toilet bowl with folk remedies

In addition to household chemicals for washing sanitaryware, many people prefer to use traditional recipes. Reflecting on how to clean the toilet in the home safely and with a lasting effect, study first the stocks of food in your kitchen. Here there are many good drugs that do not damage the skin of the hands and qualitatively remove the raids of different origins.

How to clean the toilet Coca-Cola?

Orthophosphoric acid and other ingredients that are present in this drink help to remove contaminants in the pipes and scale. If you want to learn how to clean a Coca-Cola toilet, you need to buy a couple of bottles of refreshing fluid. We lower the water from the device, pour the contents into the toilet for the night or apply to the dirty surface rags soaked in our reagent. In the morning, wash the sink with water and clean the surface to a shine with a brush, removing the remains of dirt.

How to clean the toilet with vinegar?

Simple and affordable ways to clean the toilet bowl with soda and vinegar are the most popular among the people. It is better to take for work not apple cider vinegar, but 9% solution or 70% acetic essenium. Pour a glass of reagent into the pan, cover it with a lid, heat the contents on the plate to 50 ° C. You can strengthen the effect of the solution by adding a tablespoon of soda or iodine (1: 1). We pump the water off the toilet, apply the napkins moistened in the reagent to the contaminated area, wait 2 to 6 hours and remove any debris from the plastic scraper or brush.

How to clean the toilet bowl with citric acid?

If we regularly clean the toilet with folk remedies, then we will not need to purchase imported chemical reagents or powders produced on the basis of strong acid or alkali. Several packages of citric acid cost a little, but they can help cope with serious problems in the bathroom or toilet. We put the powder in the sink, trying to cover all the problem areas, wait 2-4 hours (preferably until the morning), carefully scrape the remnants of the plaque with a brush or rag. For best effect, you almost always have to repeat this procedure 2-3 times.

How to clean the toilet bowl with a cable?

A professional cable that is used to clean sewer pipes and sanitary equipment, looks like a flexible spring made of thick and strong wire. If you can not cope with the problem of how to clean the toilet with chemical reagents, then this tool will help to effectively perform this work by mechanical means. It has a spiral ending, allowing easy penetration into any small holes. Front mounted rotary handle, facilitating the work of cleaning the sewer.

How to clean the toilet with a plumbing cable:

  1. We lower the cable inside, pushing the spiral with rotating movements.
  2. We twist the handle in one direction, trying to pass the bend of the pipe.
  3. Faced with the clog, continue to twist the handle, trying to break through a layer of dirt.
  4. If the cable rests against a dense barrier, then roll the handle in the opposite direction, pull it out and remove the pieces of debris from the tip.
  5. We repeat the procedure.
  6. When the cork begins to move further, we continue to screw the cable with rotational movements, pushing the blockage as far as possible into the wide drain pipe.
  7. If you want to clean the plastic pipe, put a protective plug on the end of the steel wire.

Detergent for toilet bowl

Almost all popular household chemicals brands produce cleaning agents for plumbing devices. Already checked in practice, if we clean and wash my toilet bowl with a quality preparation, we get a guaranteed success in the toilet room and a lasting effect. A small rating of detergents will help determine the best choice and purchase good household chemicals.

The best means for cleaning the toilet bowl: