Monte Leon

Monte Leon is not only the only reserve on the entire Atlantic coast of Argentina, located in the province of Santa Cruz, but also the youngest national park in the country. This area of ​​621.7 square meters. km was founded in 2004 to protect the coastal line and steppes of Patagonia. Monte Leon splendidly combines kilometers of coastline with wild beaches , secluded bays, beautiful capes and untouched steppes.

Attractions of the park

For tourists, a completely untouched coastline with islands, small coves, caves, steep cliffs and many reefs is of keen interest. The main attraction of the national park is the island of Monte León, which has become a haven of seabirds. Landed on the island is prohibited, so as not to disturb the birds. Watch them tourists can from the shore or from the water.

Another interesting attraction of the park is the natural rock of La Olia, connected with a stone massif with a 30-meter arch.

Fauna of Monte Leon

In the national park many wonderful birds and animals are registered, which live here in the natural environment. Among the representatives of the marine fauna, there are often Magellanic penguins and sea lions, cormorants and white and black shagoholic dolphins, southern whales and minke whales. Scientists number here more than 120 species of various birds, including albatrosses, Patagonian gulls and flamingos. For pumas, ostriches nandu, guanaco and other animals, the Monte Leon Park has become a permanent habitat and breeding ground.

Tourist destinations

Guests of the national park can stay for a rest in a comfortable hotel with the same name, which is located at the entrance to the reserve. The administration of the park offers tourists interesting excursions in groups of at least two people. Such a program is designed for 12 hours and runs daily from October to March. For $ 325, taking with you sunglasses, cream, raincoat, comfortable clothes, shoes and a hat, you can go on an unforgettable journey.

How to get to the national park?

From the city of Santa Cruz to Monte León it is easy to get there by car along the RN3. The journey takes about two hours. Drivers need to be careful, since this route includes private roads and sections of the road with limited traffic.