How to connect a boiler?

In our time, when everything around is rapidly changing and technological progress does not stand still, but makes huge steps, such a simple and necessary service for everyone as hot water is, unfortunately, not everywhere. The reasons can be different, and in order to figure them out and try to somehow change the situation, you can spend a lot of time and nerves. The simplest thing you can do is buy a boiler and enjoy the daily bath and wash the dishes with ice water.

There will always be masters who know how to properly connect a boiler. You can resort to their services, and you can connect the boiler yourself, because there is nothing complicated in this. It is necessary to have minimal concepts and knowledge in the field of electricians and locksmith work.

Before installing the boiler, it is necessary to stock up some special tools. You will need a perforator to drill a wall with an enclosed carbide drill for concrete, a special tile drill, a swing and gas wrench, and some small things like a pencil, tape measure, and a tape tape. You will also need scissors, for cutting metal-plastic or an ordinary secateur.

The place of installation of the boiler, as a rule standard - under the ceiling above the toilet. So it will not occupy the useful area of ​​an already small bathroom. The main thing when choosing the installation site is convenient access to the water heater .

How to hang a boiler on a wall?

In order to reliably attach the boiler, you need to make sure that the wall is strong enough and can withstand weight over 100 kilograms. Measuring the distance between the holes on the fixing plate using a tape measure, transfer this size to the wall and drill the required number of holes in the wall under the anchor. After this, firmly install the anchor and hang on them a boiler. After that you can proceed to the next stage of the installation.

How to connect the boiler to the water supply?

Best of all, when the boiler is connected to the water pipe using metal plastic pipes - and cheaper and installation problems are less. Using pipes, fittings and cranes, you can proceed with installation, after drawing a rough outline for yourself, and how to connect the boiler.

In the main water pipe it is necessary to cut a tee, to which to connect the plastic with the help of adapters. After that you should install the cranes. All installation is done with the help of a tape to prevent leakage. Filling the system with water, you should make sure that everything is tightly sealed.

The next step is the installation of a safety valve. After measuring the required length of the pipe, cut it with a pruner or scissors, taking off the edges of the chamfer. After that, with the help of a fitting, connect the pipe into place. Do not tighten the fittings too much, because they can simply be broken and ruined by all the work. As soon as you hear a crunch - stop and make another quarter of a turn, no more.

How do I connect the boiler to the mains?

Before you turn on the boiler, you need the last step - connect to the network. To do this, it is necessary to store a cable with the required cross-section, which should be selected from the calculation of the power of the tenes in the boiler. Still need a 16-amp machine and a grounded outlet. Mainly in the apartments the wiring does not allow to withstand the load of such powerful equipment as the boiler, and therefore, it will be necessary to extend the cable to the shield and to be fed there. Grounding must be done correctly. In no case should it be connected to pipes of heating or water, because it is not safe, both for those who use the boiler, and for those who live with you on the same riser.