Bronchitis for children

It's no secret that most adults and children suffer from diseases of the respiratory system that are viral or bacterial in nature. The peak of colds and viruses falls on autumn and spring, when the weather often changes, and the body actively rebuilds its metabolism. The respiratory organs are especially dangerous for the smallest ones, whose immune system is still weak, and the respiratory ways are not fully developed, which entails the rapid development of the disease and the risk of serious complications. The respiratory tract of a sick child is filled with viscous sputum, from which the body tries to get rid by coughing.

In order to alleviate the condition of the sick child and quickly save him from a painful cough, it is necessary to make sputum in his respiratory tract as much as possible. To cope with this task will help a natural bronchitis drug, which is ideal for treating children from cough from birth. It refers to expectorant herbal preparations of mucolytic action and is available in three dosage forms - drops, syrup and tablets.

Bronchitis: composition

100 ml syrup bronchipret for children contain:

100 ml drops bronchipret contain:

1 tablet bronchipreta contain:

Essential oils that are part of thyme, relieve inflammation, fight with microbes and relieve spasm of the bronchi. The extract of ivy promotes the release of mucus in the bronchi, as well as the extract of the primrose. Bronchipret facilitates sputum evacuation with a damp cough. The drug is indicated for use in the treatment of inflammatory processes in the airways, which are accompanied by the formation of hard viscous sputum and wet cough - bronchitis and tracheobronchitis, pneumonia, bronchial asthma, tracheitis. Do not give syrup bronchitis for children with a dry debilitating cough, because the ingredients of the drug intensify the cough push, which will cause new attacks of coughing. Use the drug for a large amount of liquid sputum, in this case, the drug will make it liquefier and facilitate its release.

Bronchitis: use and dosage

In the form of drops, the drug is prescribed to children from the age of six:

Syrup can be given to babies starting from the third month of life. Give the drug to children 3 times a day. A single dose of syrup bronchitis for children depends on age and is:

Bronchitis in tablets can be given to children from 12 years old, 1 tablet three times a day.

Bronchitis in the form of drops and syrup should be taken after eating, squeezed with a small amount of liquid. Tablets, on the contrary, are taken before eating, without chewing. The duration of treatment is 1.5 -2 weeks.

All forms of the drug have good tolerability, but very rarely there are side effects from its administration. Most often they arise in the form of allergic reactions - skin itch, rash, edema.

An overdose of the drug in any form entails reactions from the digestive tract: nausea, abdominal pain, vomiting, diarrhea. In case of an overdose, wash the stomach with a weak solution of potassium permanganate and take activated charcoal.