Powdery mildew on cucumbers

This unpleasant disease worries many gardeners, because under unfavorable conditions, for example - in a rainy and cool summer, it comes to almost every site.

Powdery mildew is a disease of fungal etiology. It causes the appearance of a white or red coating on the back of the leaves, leading to their drying. In a neglected case, the fungus infects stems, flowers and fruits of cucumbers. To prevent such vegetables from getting to this state, you need to know in advance how to deal with powdery mildew in cucumbers.

Treatment of cucumbers from powdery mildew

It is very important at the very beginning of the disease to stop its spread. At this stage, people's means of struggle can be used:

All these means need to carefully spray the cucumber once a week until the symptoms disappear. But if powdery mildew on cucumber has already developed enough, and natural preparations do not help, chemical means of struggle are used. It:

Completely neglected powdery mildew of cucumbers is treated with poisonous chemicals. Only they can be applied provided that there is still no ovary of fruit. Among the new drugs, the "Karatan" solution diluted in 10 liters of water copes well. You need to process every week or two.