Analyzes on hormones - how correctly to hand over, and what results are considered as the norm?

In the human body, no single process can do without the participation of hormones. These bioactive substances are produced by the endocrine glands that regulate the overall hormonal background. Violation of his balance results in the defeat of internal organs. Analyzes for hormones help to establish the concentration of these substances, to reveal a violation.

What are the tests for hormones?

The role of hormones in the body of a woman is invaluable. Under the influence of these biological compounds, there are cyclical changes in the reproductive system, metabolism. Hormones directly regulate the work of reproductive organs, determining the ability of the female body to conceive and bear a child. In addition, according to the analysis of blood on hormones, doctors can establish and deviate in the intrauterine development of the baby, when it only develops in the mother's abdomen.

According to the content of these substances in the bloodstream, doctors can draw conclusions about the functioning of the thyroid gland, ovaries, pituitary gland, adrenals. Analyzes for hormones are prescribed in the presence of individual indications, among which:

What tests do women take on hormones?

The analysis of blood on hormones is appointed at suspicion on dysfunction of this or that organ, an endocrine gland. Similar studies are more often performed if women have symptoms indicating a dysfunction of the genital organs. In this case, especially often prescribed tests for sex hormones (estrogens) and hormones of the pituitary, which regulate the menstrual function of the female body. Among the most common studies in women:

Thyroid hormone assay

A blood test for thyroid hormones for women is often prescribed. Among the symptoms that indicate the incompatibility of norms produced by this gland hormone compounds, doctors call:

During the analysis, the concentration of the following thyroid hormones is established:

These substances play an important role in the internal processes of the body. Under their influence, the regulation of metabolic processes and mental activity is carried out. In addition, hormones shchitovidki affect the work of the cardiovascular system, digestive system, reproductive system. In diseases of these organs, thyroid hormone tests are a mandatory research.

Analyze the hormones of the adrenal glands

The analysis of blood on adrenal hormones suggests the determination of the concentration of three substances at once:

  1. Cortisol . Refers to glucocorticoids, it is responsible in the body for the synthesis of corticoliberin.
  2. Aldosterone . Regulates the body's electrolyte balance, controlling the total volume of fluid. It has a direct effect on blood pressure values.
  3. Dehydroepiandrosterone . Androgenic, steroid hormone. In its structure it is a prohormon (predecessor). Due to complex biochemical reactions, this substance is transformed into male testosterone and female estrogen.

Analyzes for pituitary hormones

The pituitary gland is small in size of iron, which is located in the base of the brain, in the Turkish saddle. It consists of two parts, with a greater concentration synthesized by the anterior lobe. Doctors, when assigning an analysis to hormones in women, often examine the following bioactive substances produced by the pituitary:

Analyzes for hormones for gynecology

The central place among the studies aimed at establishing the state of the female reproductive system is analysis for sex hormones. The concentration of these substances in the body of a woman directly affects the metabolic processes, as well as the cyclical changes. Under the influence of hormones, menstruation, ovulation, and the process of pregnancy are controlled.

The analysis of female hormones, which is assigned to patients of any age, is often determined by the function or process of the reproductive system being studied. More often for an establishment of the reasons of gynecologic disturbances doctors appoint:

How correctly to hand over analyzes on hormones?

To obtain objective results of the conducted studies, it is necessary to observe a number of conditions. Before analyzing hormones, doctors warn patients about how to properly prepare for the intended analysis. Depending on which hormone is directly determined, the conditions may differ. In general, before a blood test, you need:

  1. Do not eat. Last reception should occur no later than 8-12 hours.
  2. Exclude the use of drinks - tea, coffee, alcohol (you can drink plain water).
  3. Do not smoke 3 hours before the test.
  4. Exclude the use of medicines (in consultation with the doctor).
  5. To pass analyzes before carrying out of diagnostic, hardware researches (a roentgen, US), fizioprotsedur.

When is it better to take tests for hormones to women?

To get reliable results of studies, to exclude the need for their re-holding, you need to know when to take tests for hormones. Here much depends on the type of hormone being studied. Thus, the analysis for sex hormones in women should be performed at the beginning of the menstrual cycle (5-7th day), unless otherwise indicated by the doctor. In this case, it is necessary to comply with the general rules regarding the donation of blood:

  1. In the morning, in the interval of 8-11 hours.
  2. Strictly on an empty stomach - not less than 8, but no more than 14 hours of hunger.
  3. Do not eat much before the analysis.
  4. Exclude heavy physical activity the day before, sports training.

Analysis for hormones - preparation

Before taking tests for hormones, the patient must carefully prepare. If medications are taken, they should be suspended for the duration of preparation. In addition, on the eve of hormone tests it is strictly forbidden to drink alcohol, smoke - this can distort the results. Among other conditions that must be observed:

Analyzes for hormones - the norm

The interpretation of the results, the comparison of the obtained values ​​to the existing norms should be carried out exclusively by the doctor. Only a specialist can objectively assess the state of the organism, he knows about existing pathologies and disorders in the patient. When assessing the results, doctors rely on the following values ​​of the norms:

  1. Thyroid hormones:
  1. Hormones of the adrenal glands:

Hormones of the pituitary:

Particular importance for women's health is the content in the body of sex hormones. Table of the norm of hormones in women is given below. It is worth noting that their concentration in the body is variable and is caused by: