Fallen leaves as a fertilizer

Autumn fallen leaves are often collected by people and burned. Well, if outside the site, since the place of the fireplace for a few years can not grow. Such an action is unjustified, since by this you, first, worsen the ecology, and secondly, deprive yourself (that is, your garden-garden) of useful deciduous fertilizer.

Many gardeners do not know for sure whether tree leaves can be used as a fertilizer, considering that the leaves have already fulfilled their function. In fact, fallen leaves, even from garden trees, though from any other, is a powerful additional fertilizer, because during the season the leaves have accumulated a huge amount of nutrients and can give them to you. You just need to be able to organize this process correctly.

Use of fallen leaves as fertilizer

The benefits of fallen leaves are very high. They contain such useful elements as magnesium, potassium, iron, calcium, nitrogen, phosphorus and sulfur. All of them are necessary for good growth and development of plants.

There are several options for using dry leaves as fertilizer. You can dig your garden trees along the radius of the crown, remove the top layer (about 20 cm), lay the leaves in the resulting pit from the same or any other tree, add a couple of glasses of chicken manure , pour and reapply the top layer of the soil.

This way you can fertilize apples, pears, plums, apricots, walnuts and many other fruit trees. In addition to the function of feeding, this layer of leaves also has a warming effect, preventing the soil and the roots of the tree from freezing during the winter cold.

Another option for using fallen leaves as a fertilizer is to make compost out of them. To do this, you need either a compost hole or a deep tank. It needs to be laid and well-padded leaves and left for 2 years. The readiness of the compost can be determined by the characteristic forest odor of the overripe foliage. By introducing humus into the soil, you will improve its structure, provide plants with useful substances.

Of course, you can use leaves only from healthy trees. All damaged by diseases and pests immediately need to be removed from the garden plot.