Beans "Lima"

White beans "Lima" has a slightly flattened shape and there are two varieties - large and small. Large white beans "Lima" has large beans of curved shape, which are filled with fleshy beans. Small, accordingly, has small fruits and it is more early-maturing.

Beans "Baby Lima" otherwise called oil, because its grain has a pleasant creamy taste, but the dishes with it are not high in calories. Often this bean is used as a substitute for meat in fasting or in a vegetarian diet , because it has a lot of protein.

At the stage of young grain, Lima beans are very tasty. It is eaten even in fresh form. In this case, its proteins are very easily digested, and thanks to an alkaline reaction, they are a natural remedy for heartburn.

Growing beans "Lima"

Of course, you can buy beans in a supermarket, but if you have a site, you can grow it yourself. If you have experience in growing other varieties of beans, then you will not have any difficulties.

Plant it in a neutral or weakly acidic soil. It grows best on the beds, where potatoes, tomatoes or pumpkins grew in the past year. The soil should be loose, fertilized compost from autumn. Before planting, phosphate and potassium fertilizers and wood ash should also be added.

Grain is sown at the onset of stable heat, around the second half of May. The earth must be heated by 10 cm to + 10-12 ° C. Under the seeds dig holes 4-5 cm deep, pre-soaked beans put in moistened soil, covered with a non-woven cloth.

Remember that beans do not like frost and waterlogging. Lima beans very well and quickly develops, is not afraid of pests and gives an excellent harvest. The fragrance of its leaves scares off insects, so that it can protect not only themselves, but even plants in neighboring beds.