How to determine the Rh factor of the fetus?

As you know, it is this characteristic of blood, like the Rh factor, that plays an important role in the conception and bearing of the fetus. By this term we mean a protein that is located directly on the surface of red blood cells - erythrocytes. In case of his absence, they say about its negative significance, which is observed in about 15% of the world's population.

Why is this blood parameter important?

Even before the Rh factor is determined in the fetus, the mother's presence is known. After all, not all women know their blood type. This parameter is taken into account when pregnancy occurs, because there is a possibility of developing such a phenomenon as Rh-conflict. It is observed if the mother has a given protein, but the fetus is present. The explanation of this phenomenon is the fact that the baby inherited Rh-antigen from his father. The probability of this is 75%. Therefore, even before pregnancy planning, every woman who has a negative Rh factor must know the rhesus of her chosen man. In case of their inconsistency, the probability of conflict development is high, which will negatively affect pregnancy. And in some cases, pregnancy does not occur at all.

How does the fetus determine Rh factor?

Until recently, the procedure for determining the Rh factor of the fetus was very difficult. To do this, it was necessary to conduct a fence of the material directly from the baby, which was carried out in an invasive way. In itself, manipulation is quite dangerous and was assigned only in exceptional cases, with existing evidence.

Today, a large number of medical clinics allows pregnant women to recognize the Rh factor of the fetus in a non-invasive way, which is carried out as well as a routine analysis. To determine it, it is enough to take blood from the veins of a future mother. In doing so, when analyzing the Rh factor of the fetus, take into account the DNA of the child, which is present in the blood of the pregnant woman.

The study of the collected material is carried out by the PCR method, which can be prescribed starting from the 12th week of pregnancy. This analysis is carried out on an outpatient basis and requires the appointment of a gynecologist.

In addition, this study allows you to easily determine whether there is a Rh-antigen in a child, which he can inherit from the pope, and find out the blood type of the fetus, which is also important.

What if the Rh factor of the pregnant woman and the fetus do not match?

In those cases when a woman's Rh factor is negative, it is observed throughout pregnancy. Doctors control the condition of the fetus.

To prevent the development of complications, an antiresus immunoglobulin is introduced intravenously to a woman, which helps to remove antibodies that are produced in the mother as a reaction to the presence of this protein in her baby.

In cases where the Rh factor is negative in the mother and the child, there is no conflict, therefore, No intervention by doctors is required.

Thus, a parameter such as the Rh factor of the fetus is only determined if the pregnant woman has a negative value. This is done to prevent the development of Rh-conflict, which can lead to sad consequences, in particular - spontaneous abortion. If this does not happen, then the entire period of gestation is observed for the pregnant woman. The main procedure in this case is a blood test in which it is determined whether antibodies are present in the mother, on the Rh rhesus of its small, unborn baby.