The child fell and hit his forehead

Often when a child falls from a bed or a changing table, the mother begins to panic and does not know what to do in such a situation. Should I run to the doctor, call an ambulance at home or can I help my child on their own?

Injuries of the head when a child falls

Did your child fall and hit his forehead? Never ignore this situation, since a child's brain injury can be of varying complexity when struck:

Of course, if a child has hit his forehead heavily, the likelihood of a serious injury will increase. There can be a hematoma and other serious consequences.

First aid

Most importantly, if the child hit his forehead, do not create panic. So you can scare the kid even more. When he cries much, you need to try to calm him down. At the same time to postpone for later the first aid is also not worth it, because a serious injury will only become more complicated.

If the child has cut his forehead, the first thing to do is rinse the wound with boiled water or hydrogen peroxide, gently prizhech alcohol and apply a children's bactericidal plaster or bandage. When the fall occurred on the playground, and not at home, as a disinfectant antibacterial napkins will do.

When falling, the child hit his forehead against the corner of the bed or table? Most likely he will have a swelling. In this case, you need to put a napkin or a handkerchief on the place of injury, and something cool enough on top and hold for several minutes. The same actions must be carried out when the baby has stuffed a bump on his forehead , and it is desirable that after a procedure the child quietly lie down.

What to do if a child hits his forehead and fainted, every mother should know, since it is impossible to delay in this case and home treatment here can not help. We urgently need to call an ambulance or go to the hospital if: