Sprain of the hand

The most important part of the hand are the wrists and wrists. It was without them that we would not be able to fully act and carry out any grasping movements. Also, a huge load on the hands and wrists comes from playing sports, especially in gyms.

The brush gets the opportunity to carry out different movements thanks to a variety of bones, tendons and ligaments. Accordingly, stretching the ligaments of the hand entails a lot of inconvenience. There is swelling, while the brush feels constant pain, sometimes the hand can completely numb. In this regard, we are changing our habitual way of life.

Signs of sprain and ligament rupture

Stretching of the ligament of the hand occurs due to injury or overload, due to monotonous work of the brush. For example, knitters or musicians often face this. Immediately after the injury, there is a sharp pain, also quickly on the site of the bruise there is a hematoma, a restriction of the functions of the joint. Also, stretching the ligaments of the wrist will not do without a tumor.

There are several types of stretching of the arms. An easy degree is marked by minor pain, it can practically not interfere with motor activity. And edema in this degree can be avoided.

To moderate sprains are partial ligament ruptures. It is characterized by severe pain, swelling and bruising.

A severe degree of injury is caused by a complete rupture of ligaments. There is a sharp severe pain, a major swelling and bruise. The danger of this rupture is that the joint becomes weak enough and is subsequently easily damaged.

Stretch of the ligaments of the hand: treatment

The timely provided first aid can protect you from severe consequences and facilitate further treatment. When signs of stretching appear, you must follow the first rules of therapy:

  1. Provide rest and immobility to the injured hand. Do not stir or tense it by any action.
  2. If possible, immediately after the injury, a cold compress should be applied, which will reduce pain and possible swelling.
  3. It is necessary to fix the damaged joint, protecting it from the loads. To do this, you can use a tire or elastic bandage. On the first day of the injury, a pack of ice should be applied to the bandaged area. The next day, on the contrary, keep the brush warm.
  4. To prevent swelling of the periarticular tissue, hold the brush above the level of the heart.
  5. With too much pain, you need to take painkillers. Also, consulting with a doctor, anti-inflammatory drugs will not be superfluous.

During the stretching of the ligaments of the joint, fluid can accumulate. In order not to happen, unclench and squeeze the joint. The newest method of treatment of wrist stretching is bioenergoreguljatsionnaja therapy about which to you will tell in any traumepunkte.

Regardless of which treatment you choose, within the first week the pain will subside, and the tumor will become less noticeable. After this, it is possible to resume normal joint activity by performing rehabilitation exercises. Initially, pay attention to the circular movements of the joint and ligaments. If its execution causes pain, the action must be stopped, in connection with the still unhealed tissues.

After the rotation will not cause pain, go to the strengthening of the muscles around the damage. A special set of exercises, which will resume the full work of your ligaments, will be prepared by a physiotherapist. You can not load the injured area while doing sports for the first month.