How to properly feed a newborn with a mixture?

The first step in the transition from breastfeeding to artificial feeding is choosing the right food. Preference should be given to milk mixtures of well-known manufacturers. When buying a milk formula, you must pay attention to the recommended age.

Breast children at different times in their lives need certain nutrients and microelements, and their gastrointestinal tract is able to digest strictly defined food ingredients.

How often should the newborn be fed a mixture?

To feed a child is necessary on demand. Do not try to withstand strict time intervals. The child's organism will form the most suitable feeding schedule, which will correspond to its biological rhythms and physiological needs, the main thing is to observe the norm.

Norm of feeding a newborn with a mixture

  1. From 0 to 2 months a child should consume about 850 milliliters of milk formula during the day.
  2. From 2 to 4 months, the norm is 950 milliliters.
  3. From 4 to 9 months the norm is increased by fifty milliliters and is 1000 milliliters of milk formula.
  4. From 9 to 12 months the volume of nutrition increases to 1200 milliliters per day.

It is important to note that the given volumes of daily consumption are indicative.

How to feed a mixture of the newborn?

Feed the baby with artificial milk can be a spoon, or through the nipple. Feeding with a mixture of the newborn is best done with a spoon, since in this case there is less chance of a complete rejection of the breast. If the child is fully transferred to artificial feeding, then it is more appropriate to feed through the nipple.

When feeding a newborn child with a mixture, it is necessary to strictly observe the sanitary and hygienic rules, and monitor the shelf life of baby food.