Influenza in pregnancy

The flu developing during the current pregnancy requires special control. This is due to the fact that any other infection, such as staphylococcal, pneumococcal, can affect the weakened organism of a pregnant woman. In addition, there is often an exacerbation of existing chronic diseases, which for a long time did not disturb the woman.

What are the characteristics of the treatment of influenza during the current pregnancy?

As always, a doctor should be engaged in the treatment of all diseases. In the case of a pregnant girl, this is a female consultation therapist. Due to the fact that most drugs are prohibited for admission during the period of gestation, the treatment of influenza during pregnancy has its own nuances, especially in the first trimester. At this time, as a rule, only symptomatic treatment is performed, i.e. The entire therapeutic process is aimed at improving the overall well-being of the pregnant woman.

So, when the temperature rises above 38 degrees, a single intake of antipyretic drugs is allowed, however only if agreed with the doctor. If a girl overcomes a cough, then to facilitate the condition is allowed to take herbal fees, and drugs for coughing.

A prerequisite is the observance of bed rest and a plentiful drink, which will only contribute to the elimination of the virus from the body.

At later dates, interferon intake is allowed, which will strengthen immunity.

What to do to prevent the flu during pregnancy?

Prevention of influenza during current pregnancy is a fundamental factor in the fight against the disease. So, to exclude the possibility of infection with the flu during pregnancy, every girl must comply with the following conditions:

  1. Limit contact with strangers, especially when outbreaks occur.
  2. To increase the body's immunity, it is necessary to take vitamin preparations
  3. If at home someone from close relatives is ill, it is necessary to limit contact with him. The ideal option would be if this person would occupy a separate room.

As for vaccination against influenza during pregnancy, it is usually not performed in the first trimester.

What can flu lead to in pregnancy?

The flu is especially dangerous for women and fetuses in the early stages of pregnancy. This is explained by the fact that the risk of formation of malformations in the fetus increases sharply. In addition, the infectious process has a toxic effect on the fetus, which can cause its death.

The main, negative consequences of influenza in pregnancy, in its 2 and 3 trimester are: