How to drive a demon out of a person?

Since ancient times, people have known the spells of how to drive a demon out of a person, using different rituals of exorcism. Conduct such rites can only people who have permission from the church . The exile ritual is very dangerous, both for the victim and for the person who conducts it. It is worth noting that often people because of ignorance confuse obsession with psychological illness.

How to determine the presence of a demon in a person?

To do this, it is necessary to use holy water, which no demon can tolerate. You can pour it into a glass and offer it to a person. The possessed will never take it in hand. Spray on it with holy water and if there is a demon, then a burn or irritation will appear on the body. It is also worth noting the fact that the demoniac sharply changes not only internally, but also externally. During attacks, a great force appears in a person, he starts screaming, the voice changes, etc.

For the diagnosis, you can conduct a ritual with salt, which is considered the easiest. Give the person to hold a pack of salt in their hands, and then, pour it into a frying pan. Warm up for 20 minutes. and see if the color of the salt has changed. If it turns black, then the demon is definitely there.

How to drive a demon out of a person?

It is best to invite a priest who will lead a rite in the house and help to drive out all the essences. After this, above the door of each room, you should hang the icon , and the corners in the house be sprinkled with holy water.

Prayer to expel the demon is read during the ritual, for which it is necessary to prepare water recruited from a clean water body. To approach it is at sunrise. Place the water on the table, next light the church candle and read this prayer seven times:

"I will rise, servant of God (name), blessing, go cross (three times to cross the water). I'll go out the door at the door, out of the gate I'll go into the gate, to the side of the drain. On that side is a man from pure steel. How this husband walks from the father of the true Jesus Christ, and from the mother of the Blessed Virgin Mary. From the east to the west it goes, it gathers pure water from the rivers of the mountains, so he will collect all the lessons and tracts from the servant of God (name), all the prizes and gimmicks, from all seventy-seven joints, from all seventy veins, from the popliteal, from the liver , from the blood of the hot, from the heart of the zealous, from the lungs, from the eyes of the clear, from the eyebrows of the black and from the body of the white. Yes it will come to pass, as it is said. In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen. Amen. Amen".

Then you need to yawn heavily and say these three words:

"Let my words be strong and molded."

Turn over your left shoulder, blow, spit and drizzle in the locked water of a man who has a demon. The remaining liquid should be drunk. Conduct rituals are allowed both for themselves and for another person. You can additionally use the sign banishing the demons, which in this case also protects from evil forces - the pentagram. You can apply both a pendant and a drawing.

Ritual to expel a demon from another person

For the rite, you should have an icon of the Holy Trinity, under which it is necessary to plant a possessed person. Stand up opposite him, look into your eyes and read a prayer, since you can not drive a demon out of a person without it. Say the following words:

"Jesus Christ, You are the son of the living God, You performed miracles for people, Demons are fleeing before You, near thee, the blind see, near to Thee dead come to life, You, He who was crucified, and then resurrected, You are the one who His feat was glorified by the holy cross. Lord, Son of God, You look into these eyes, you find in them an image of the devil, you drive all the evil spirits out of the body of this white, but keep this soul. Save, O Lord, thou art this innocent soul, defend it from the evil of all eternally and eternally. Yes it will come to pass, as it is said. Amen. Amen. Amen".