Why do people talk in a dream?

Talking during sleep is a violation that usually occurs in children. But an adult can face such a phenomenon. According to the research, only five percent of the world's inhabitants are affected by the collapse. Usually, this behavior during night sleep is absolutely harmless for the person. But to others it can cause some inconvenience, as conversations can be loud enough and even sometimes go into screams. When asked why people talk in their sleep, specialists who study sleep disorders say that this is one of the manifestations of the experienced emotional shock, excessive stress or stress . However, this is not the only version.

Why a person talks in a dream - reasons

Often, the violation of sleep, manifested in conversations, vulnerable young children. Psychologists believe that such a deviation allows them to adapt more easily to the world around them. New discoveries and colorful emotions - that's all that makes children talk during sleep.

In adults, the main reasons for talking in a dream are fears, nightmares and disturbances. Thus the person can mutter, something to whisper, or loudly to shout. It is believed that aggression during dreams reflects the real nature of individuals. They thus relax at night, if during the day they often had to restrain their negative emotions .

Also, a person can talk in a dream under the influence of drugs. To aggravate the situation can chill, heightened anxiety, depressive states and various mental illnesses.

Why else can people talk in a dream:

How to stop talking in a dream?

  1. Perhaps that such a problem is gone, you need to bring your mental state back to normal. For this it is worth use during the week broths from soothing herbs, such as mint, valerian or fennel.
  2. Two hours before bedtime, it is advisable to refuse watching TV and computer games.
  3. It is necessary to abandon bad habits, the use of unhealthy food.
  4. If conversations are accompanied by aggression, dental scraping and a person can not wake up for a long time, it is better to consult a doctor. The specialist will prescribe nootropic drugs, as well as drugs that stimulate brain activity.