Visual computer syndrome

Eyes are the "thin place" of any modern person. After all, the organs of vision are experiencing enormous loads today, including by increasing the time spent in front of a television or computer monitor. And although manufacturers of such equipment unanimously assure that it is absolutely safe, equipped with protective screens, etc., the fact remains that myopia and hyperopia, as well as more serious eye diseases, are presently present in every second. In addition, there was another ailment that is not included in the official list of medical pathologies, but, nevertheless, it is diagnosed in very many people. This is a visual computer syndrome. And, as it is easy to guess, they suffer most often patients who constantly work with a PC. Specialists have long lamented that men of a younger age, as well as adolescents and even children, spend an unacceptably long time with monitors, and, among other negative influences, also have problems with the eyes. Until recently, this misfortune had no official name. But now the eyes are talking about the computer syndrome more often, and the ophthalmologists had to admit that it really exists.

Symptoms of computerized visual syndrome

Strictly speaking, the syndrome of computer vision can not be attributed to pathology. It is rather a kind of negative state of the eyes, in which a person observes a decrease in the visual acuity of the world, the appearance of regular headaches, unpleasant sensations after centuries, and unabated fatigue. It occurs if the period of continuous communication with the computer exceeds five to six hours. The danger of computer eye syndrome lies in the fact that people do not perceive it as something serious, requiring a mandatory visit to the doctor.

Many write off a temporary deterioration in vision for eye fatigue, especially since after a break and sleep, the symptoms really come to naught, then to come back again. And as a result, a person risks getting a completely serious disease, which can lead to even a complete loss of visual perception , as well as the appearance of pathologies in other organs, at first glance, little associated with vision. For example, a computer syndrome can give a complication to the spine and neck, nervous system, digestive organs, heart and blood vessels. So the treatment of this problem to the doctor will be the most correct decision.

Treatment of computer visual syndrome

First of all, the patient must undergo a diagnostic procedure, which includes checking the visual acuity, the pupils' reaction to light, examining the fundus, studying the condition of the retina and the eye nerves. Treatment of computer eye syndrome should begin with a regime change. You need to do more breaks in the work, moving away from the computer screen ideally for 10-15 minutes per hour or at least every two to three hours.

A very good preventive measure will be the use of computer goggles and special eye drops. Such drugs act on the cornea and mucous eyes, moisturizing them and protecting them from overexertion. You can also start taking inward bioactive supplements that stimulate visual function and optimize the eye condition from the inside. The same effect can be achieved with proper nutrition , including in their diet blueberries, more vegetables and fruits, dairy products. Sometimes visual computer syndrome accompanies the puffiness of the eyelids. To get rid of it you need to use folk remedies or occasionally apply to the eyes pieces of ordinary ice.