Reproduction of lilac shoots in spring

Many people like lilac flowers, tender and very fragrant. These shrubs, reminiscent of spring, are often found in our parks and gardens. Let's talk about the ways of reproduction of the lilac.

Lilac - Care and Reproduction

Most often, lilacs are multiplied by layers, cuttings and grafts, and seeds are used for breeding new varieties. If you want to plant lilac bushes on your site, use the vegetative method. These plants grow well, forming shoots - it can simply be planted in the right place. But if you want to propagate a young plant that you liked beautiful blossoms, a nice shape of the crown or a pleasant aroma, try this with the help of cuttings.

So, ideally to start the propagation of lilacs by cuttings should be in spring, immediately after flowering. It is green cuttings, which are not yet matured, and should be rooted (even half-aged twigs can no longer take root, and the reproduction of lilac with lignified cuttings is not possible at all). It should be noted that this process is not as fast as we would like, and to get a full bush of lilac from the cuttings use a schoolchild - a special bed for growing.

As cuttings we use green twigs of medium thickness, cut from the middle of the crown of a young bush. On each branch, there should be 2-3 nodules with relatively short internodes. By the way, cut the cuttings best in the early morning. Do not confuse the thin green branches, suitable for rooting, with shoots that depart from thick branches. These are so-called tops, which it is practically impossible to root.

After cutting, each twig should be treated in a certain way. To do this, remove the leaves from the lower node and make at this point an oblique cut with a very sharp knife or special inoculum pruner. Be careful: do not cut the interstice. Leaf plates, left on the branch, should be cut halfway, and the tip of the shoot - completely removed, making a straight cut.

Successful vegetative reproduction of lilacs is promoted by a solution of "Epin-extra", in which it is necessary to place cuttings after processing. After 16-18 hours they need to get out of the stimulator and rinse with clean water.

Then cuttings should be planted in soil consisting of sand mixed with peat or perlite . Place where you will plant the lilac (dumplings), pour this mixture and pour out a solution of any fungicide that will protect young plants from fungal infection. Ideally, you should plant the cuttings in the greenhouse, but you can do with open ground, planting plants in the penumbra and covering them with cut-off 5-liter bottles.

Plant cuttings in the ground, completely deepening the lower knot. Before this, you can dip each branch with the lower end into the powder "Kornevin", which helps successful rooting. After planting, sprinkle the cuttings of lilac from the spray gun, and plant the plants well. They should be provided with the highest possible humidity, by spraying several times a day. And once a week, spray on the leaves a solution of potassium permanganate slightly pink.

Roots on plants will appear on the 50-60 day after you started the process of reproduction of lilacs by green cuttings. When this happens, start ventilating the airbrush in the evenings, and after a while remove the film or bottles from it.

Cultivation of cuttings occurs either in a blackberry or on a schoolchild, depending on the season. So, if your lilac has managed to take root until the end of the summer, it can be planted in a bright place with fertile soil, where you need to make humus, compost or wood ash.

Preparing for the winter, cover the young seedlings with dry shelter - for example, spruce lapnik. The first few years, the lilac must be regularly loosened, weeded and fertilized with fertilizers. Blossoms the plant, propagated by cuttings, for 4 or 5 years.