Feeding dogs in the heat

The spring sweet sun with the advent of summer turns into a merciless red-hot ball that carries a terrible heat. Already our pets instead of basking under its rays on an open lawn tend to escape into the shadows and spend time in search of coolness. Overheating is harmful not only to people, animals can also suffer greatly from high temperatures if they are not helped. There is nothing strange about the fact that a dog does not eat well in the heat, and its condition differs from the norm. What changes must be made to the owners of shaggy pets, so that they have suffered this period normally and suffered less from overheating?

Diet of dogs in a hot period

High temperatures have a beneficial effect on microorganisms that can develop in food with terrible speed. Salmonella or the most dangerous botulism turn food into poison, so you need to consume canned meat in the summer with caution, without leaving them for a long time in the heat. Bought in the market cut must be scalded with steep boiling water to avoid contamination with pathogens. Sour-milk products, nourishing porridge, delicious meat and other delicacies the dog should consume within half an hour, and the remnants are ruthlessly thrown away.

The diet of the dog in the heat

Alas, but overheating makes adjustments in the behavior of animals. In the heat, the dog does not eat as much food as it consumes at another time of the year. The animal tries to move less, trying to save energy, all this, of course, affects the appetite. We suggest that you re-examine the feeding regime by adjusting to the new realities. Here are some rules that are suitable for most pets:

  1. The former appetite of a dog can manifest itself close to midnight, and it is at this time that you can offer him food by transferring your pet from a double feed to a single meal.
  2. It is possible to reduce the caloric content of the dose of products, somewhat curtailing the portion of the feed , then the dog will still want to eat twice a day.
  3. Do not force dogs to eat in the heat forcibly, persuading him to endlessly eat a tasty morsel, animals should eat freely, as the consumption of calories.
  4. What should be the dog in unlimited quantities, so it's fresh water. Access to a cool liquid, which should be changed twice a day, will help to avoid a heat stroke.

You see, that special difficulties with the feeding of a dog in the heat of attentive owners should not arise. Follow simple recommendations, and your pet will normally bear this difficult period.