Who are psychopaths - how to recognize a psychopath and how to protect yourself from a psychopathic manipulator?

The syndrome of psychopathy (from the Greek "sickness of the soul") is manifested in heartless, emotionless and manipulative behavior towards others. Who such psychopaths are individuals who are not able to find contact with other people and although the term is on hearing, there is no such diagnosis in psychology. Disputes about the disease do not subside.

Why become psychopaths?

The first ideas about psychopathy were formulated in 1941 by American psychiatrist Hervey Cleckley. Previously, individual symptoms were described under other names, for example, light or moral insanity. If a person is not emotional, impulsive - it does not mean that he is sick. According to statistics, 10% of all people have psychopathic traits. Only 1-2% of the population - clinical patients, especially many of them are found in criminal environments (25%).

Classification, symptomatology and characterization of the syndrome are of a debatable nature. Until now, it is not known how to become psychopaths and what triggers the development of the syndrome. Anomaly of personality can be congenital or acquired - in conditions of negative external environment, with damage to brain neurons with toxic products. Defects of personality are irreversible, and psychopathy is difficult to treat, although in childhood the syndrome is easier to control and correct asocial behavior.

How to recognize a psychopath?

The psychopath lacks the capacity for empathy, experience, but individual symptoms do not indicate a clinical diagnosis. As psychopathic traits do not indicate the presence of the syndrome, if there are less than three. Sometimes, both the surrounding and the patient himself do not know about the diagnosis, and the symptoms are taken for personal qualities. Researchers call the following symptoms of a psychopath:

What are the dangerous psychopaths?

Even if we consider that not all psychopaths are prone to violence, they pose a danger to society, especially people with a criminal past. Their actions are destructive, more in relation to human nature. An agitated psychopathic personality exaggerates demands on others. Such people are conflicted, easily fall into a rage and even capable of murder. Psychopaths are social predators, which is expressed in their following actions:

Psychopath and sociopath - the difference

Some people mistakenly combine two concepts - a psychopath and a sociopath. Both terms describe antisocial personality disorders and have common features. The similarity of these types is that:

How to distinguish a psychopath from a sociopath - unlike the latter, he completely lacks remorse, but he can plan. More impulsive sociopaths do not know how to stay long in one role (family, professional area), they are more impulsive, not restrained. Some experts claim that psychopathy is an innate frustration, and sociopathy is the resulting trauma or experience.

Types of psychopaths

People with a psychopathic syndrome can be conditionally divided into several types.

  1. Explosive (excitable) - have a high level of irritability and aggression.
  2. Paranoid psychopaths are suspicious, jealous persons who in all see ill-wishers.
  3. Psychiatric - fearful, insecure, inclined to self- obsession and obsessive ideas .
  4. Hysterical psychopaths love attention and strive to recognize their exclusivity. Pathologically false, outwardly charming.
  5. Schizoid - emotionally limited, despotic, but at the same time vulnerable. They are hostile to the social environment.

How to behave with a psychopath?

Understanding who such psychopaths are and what danger they can present, it is necessary to work out the right model of behavior with these people. Sooner or later, the pathology of the character will manifest itself. Relations with a psychopath are always a heavy burden, because people with personality disorder cause suffering to close people. Female psychopaths are less common, but the disease can be accompanied by disorders such as kleptomania, alcoholism, sexual promiscuity, etc. Muzhiny-psychopaths are hypocritical, immoral, incapable of reciprocal feelings. Loving relationships with them hurt women.

How to communicate with a psychopath?

Regardless of the symptoms, type of illness and behavior, psychopathic individuals need special treatment. The behavior of a psychopath is predictable if the diagnosis is proven. And although there is no universal model of behavior, in communicating with the mentally ill, the following rules should be adhered to:

  1. Reduce your own level of aggression. Avoid conflicts.
  2. Maintain internal strength.
  3. To be able to distract attention.
  4. In case of danger from the patient, do not engage in a fight, but try to escape and call for help.

How to protect yourself from a psychopathic manipulator?

The best defense against a psychopath is breaking up relations with him. But if this is not possible (for example, it is the father or mother of the common child or the boss) and he constantly plays with feelings, it is important to behave correctly in communication. Psychology of psychopaths is such that they need to feel their importance, indispensability, play a drama. The best method in this case is to provoke a loss of interest. This means giving boring reactions to the manipulator's action: responding monosyllabically, talking calmly, manifesting himself as a predictable interlocutor. Worse for a psychopath can not be.

How to get rid of a psychopath?

With unstable personalities, it is also important to properly break contacts: start with a gradual distance (limit the time of communication, hide under employment), and put the final point in relations impersonally, that is, use telephone communication or the Internet. Some people, not knowing how to part with a psychopath, behave incorrectly and arrange dramas. This only provokes the interlocutor to conflict and further persecution. It is desirable to involve third parties who will know the situation from within and support in a difficult choice.

How to treat a psycho?

People with psychopathic traits complicate the existence of others, but there are such psychopaths who can not be crossed out of life: children, parents, relatives. The question arises - how to help a psychopath in building normal relationships with people? Possible the following treatment and relief methods:

Famous psychopaths

As a rule, when asked who these psychopaths, immediately come to mind the famous heroes of books and movies: Hannibal Lecter, Shakespeare's Iago, Annie Wilks and Carrie Stephen King, "American psycho" Patrick Bateman, "Clockwork Orange" Alex. In life, the symptoms are not so pronounced. Famous psychopaths: not only became maniacs and criminals, but were marked by incredible achievements. These, for example, are such personalities as:

  1. Abraham Lincoln - the president-melancholic
  2. Abraham Lincoln

  3. Vincent Van Gogh is a brilliant artist.
  4. Vincent van Gogh

  5. Edgar Allan Poe is a famous author of horrors.
  6. Edgar Allan Poe

  7. Tennessee Williams is a writer-playwright.
  8. Tennessee Williams

  9. Isaac Newton is an outstanding physicist.
  10. Isaac Newton

These people were great scientists, writers, artists and politicians. Today, psychopathy continues to be a serious problem that has not been fully understood, but with which it is possible and necessary to fight. People with pathology have a great chance to become full members of society if they know their weaknesses and be able to direct negative energy in the right direction.